Website Options for Acquiring Online Content

Assuming you are one amongst the hundreds of online entrepreneurs across the globe who aspire to make a mark on the Internet, your first requisite would be that of content. At this point, you are faced with two choices, namely either to create your own content or to acquire it from a reputed and reliable source. Since most businessmen lack the time and expertise to indulge in the former, the latter not just appears attractive but is viable as an alternative too.

Quality is an important concern in case of Internet publishing and to this effect, some of the online sources that you can always bank upon without any complaints are -

Article Sale - Simplicity personified is the best way to describe this website from the buyer’s as also the seller’s perspective. All it takes is creation of a member account at and once the formalities are complete, the whole world is your playing ground for buying or selling articles. While buyers can rely on feedback system to sift through various offers, sellers can rest assured of their payment courtesy of the straightforward mechanism employed by the website.

The only drawback is that it requires a sound knowledge of WordPress since this is the only channel for projecting your creation to the world.

Popular Secret - An important highlight of this website is the attention that it accords to the tiniest of details. Grading of content occurs as per the popularity of the topic and this ensures that much of what is offered is current and in vogue with the ongoing trend. Issues like originality and grammatical correctness are emphasized upon, the intention being to ensure that whatever is put up for sale is truly unique.

One drawback is the unavailability factor wherein articles pertaining to the niche that you might be looking for as a buyer may not be available at that point of time. Do visit to check if they have something to offer on the niche of your choice. 

Topic Bay - Being a relatively new kid on the block, could be described as one-stop-shop for content givers as also seekers. Articles, SEO, translation and transcription are some of the services that it provides not to mention an online forum that would enable you to hone your skills courtesy of interaction with more accomplished members of your community. In addition to being a platform that allows for customization, it has numerous tools in place including an editorial team to render the experience pleasant for both buyers and sellers.

Since it is still in its infancy, the process of submission, approval and payment is yet to be streamlined which explains why this website may have earned the displeasure of some online authors.

Ghost Bloggers - User friendly that this website is, at  it is the ultimate destination for anyone seeking a blog to promote his online venture. With clear directives in place for buying, selling and ordering blog posts, this website has all the characteristics of a viable global online platform. So all that you need to do is understand how it works before signing up and availing of everything it offers.

A major disadvantage is that blogging is the only service it offers, meaning there is virtually no scope for an individual who may be writing or seeking other forms of content.

Overall, every website has its positives and drawbacks and the onus is on you as the buyer or seller to weigh the pros and cons of each before settling down with any one of them. As long as the website suits your requirement in the best possible way, balancing its plus and minus points is something that depends entirely on your perspective as the user. 


There are 1 comments on this post

This is a pretty accurate review, I use Popular secret myself, ArticleSale is crap, so is GhostBlogger and TopicBay burnt its bridges with me the day it sold me copied content. It's Popular Secret all the way for me from now on, good call Vinita.

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