How Canadian Business Owners Can Grow Beyond the Start-Up Phase

Canada has always been an attractive opportunity for those who have dreamed of starting a lucrative business venture. However, transforming this lofty vision into a tangible reality can be quite challenging within today's marketplace. There are countless hurdles to overcome and one of the most profound is being able to secure much-needed capital in order to surpass the start-up phase.

How can you leverage your resources efficiently while still keeping an eye on the ultimate goal? Let us take a look at some turnkey solutions to consider.

Online Marketing and Digital Advertising

Recent economic reports have shown that Canada is experiencing massive growth within the business sector. Still, this will be of little use if you are unable to tap into your niche market. Traditional forms of advertising are now being superseded by the impact of the digital community.

It is therefore completely logical that a greater amount of focus needs to be placed within the online world. Some of the most effective ways to address your target audience include:

  • Automated email campaigns.
  • Bespoke social media pages.
  • Viral advertising in the form of flash videos.
  • Blog posts that will allow you to interact with potential clients.

Adopting these methods from the beginning will help to provide your enterprise with the impetus required to break out of the start-up mentality.


Crowdfunding actually a rather new term in reference to business growth. Its main purpose is to obtain the financial backing of outside investors in order to promote your product or service. While it can be thought of as a traditional form of networking to an extent, there are some major differences.

You can tap into a larger potential investor base, it can double as a marketing strategy and you will be able to validate your services by connecting with industry professionals.

Currency Trading

Many small business owners tend to shy away from investing out of the fear that they will lose their hard-earned capital within a single trade. They are also concerned that their funds may be tied up for months or even years at a time. One way to alleviate these worries is by adopting a position within the Forex markets.

Currency trading is a very liquid sector, so funds can be deposited and withdrawn when desired. Also, short-term trades can provide quicker results when compared to other ventures such as futures or stocks. There are loads of online forex trading examples and these will help you to appreciate the safest strategies that should be embraced in order to generate a profit.

Slow and Steady

These are three highly effective methods which will help your business rise above the start-up phase. However, we should also mention that patience is a very real virtue in reference to generating ancillary income. Prudence must be observed in order to avoid making hasty decisions that could cost you severely.

With time and foresight, the possibility of enjoying a sustainable source of income can become a reality. These funds can then be used to nurture your long-term dreams.


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