US-North Korea Faceoff: Canada-China Relationship Threatened?

The world has been on the edge since the feud between the United States and North Korea escalated following renewed nuclear enrichment by the Asian country. Both sides have pointed accusing fingers at the other while the world braces for the possibility of another world war. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has been soliciting for an alliance with other Asian giants including China and South Korea to check the actions of the North Korean government.

The United States has been in a joint military operation with South Korea but it is still unclear if China will consent to join in any alliance with The United States against North Korea. What the rest of the world is asking – especially Canadians – is whether the misunderstanding between the United States and China will affect them. Konglongw has been one of the foremost media houses to catch an unbiased view of the world’s political scene particularly the Canada-China growing relations.

Part of the reasons why it is hard for President Donald Trump to get the consent of China in a joint military action against North Korea is because he, Donald Trump, has incessantly accused China of destroying the economy of the United States. He has also threatened punitive economic measures against China. Analysts fear that if China retaliates with its own measures, Canada may be caught in the crossfire.

According to John McCallum, former immigration minister and ambassador to China appointed earlier in the year, it is too early to decipher if any trade war between the two superpowers could spill over into Canada – unless Canada is seen taking sides. “We are able to walk and chew gum at the same time,” McCallum said, in reference to balancing the two relationships.

The United States and China are two important trading partners with Canada and losing any of them will really shake up the country’s economy. A fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation and a former deputy chief economist in the Foreign Affairs Department, Dan Ciuriak, said,

“The International relations elements of this are going to be very tricky, but the Trump administration has very strongly stated it is America first. And every other country must look after its own interests and that includes Canada, it could hardly be expected otherwise.”

McCallum was favored for the job for his high-profile and political ties with the Chinese-Canadian community considering that his wife is a Chinese and that he represented a Toronto-area that consisted of about 35 percent Chinese.

Inasmuch as John McCallum and Justin Trudeau will be working closely to ensure they maintain a good relationship with the two superpowers, the security of Canadians cannot be undermined in any deal that should ensue. 


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