Canadian Wheat Board: Harper becomes autocractic Rule Maker

Closure being used in the Commons on Bill after Bill without substantial debate.  House Committees meeting behind closed doors. Disregarding judicial decision. Closure being stated for the Senate without substantive analysis of the effects of passing legislation nullifying its constitutional role of providing sober second thought.

August 26, 2010 on the runway at Tuktoyaktuk Harper said, "I think I make the rules." Supine majorities in both the Commons and Senate alter "I think" to "I make."

Opposition from other political parties are ineffective.

Yet to be determined is whether or not the new force in our lives, social net working, can halt this statement made by Agricultural Minister Ritz "Let me be clear, we will never reconsider" becoming the norm.

Campaigns are under weigh. Those opposing the destruction of the Canadian Wheat board by the "Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act", Bill C-18 and the "Safe Streets and Communities Act"  are acting. Senators are receiving  tens of thousands of e-mails from citizens concerned about the future. A future in which Agricultural Minister Ritz statement "Let me be clear, we will never reconsider" becomes the norm.

Will pressure from the citizenry be effective? Who know the outcome.- but this (with which I believe you will agree) is so: the greater the volume of concerns over current directions received by Senators, the more likely they will perform their proper role.

Magnify that cited below which is in process if you share the thoughts expressed.


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