Canadian Sovereignty 5334 Views by John Halonen

Harper wants to Decentralize Canada toward NAU agenda

Prime Minister Harper has now reached a major milestone. After 10 years, since his original New Confederation Proposal, actions have been taken to initiate many of the 20 “Reform” measures to modernize and decentralize Canada.

Stephen Harper Conservatives have pursued legislation to limit federal spending to areas within its constitutional powers, and are likely to be followed with more rights to the Provinces and less responsibility from a Federal Government.

The Stephen Harper government’s most recent budget sought to further undermine the strength of the federal government in Canada to further enable control by Washington D.C.’s sought interests in Canada through Obama’s North American Union (NAU) agenda.

For Quebec to gain autonomy further changes are required. With each addition comes “the right” of other Provinces also to mimic Quebec`s desire to adopt its own constitution, create its own citizenship and even disregard some federal laws when they are judged to be infringing on areas of provincial jurisdiction. Alberta would also have the same rights. Autonomy means ” freedom from external authority “. Doesn’t that mean the choice between “Canada” or some other relationship? With Alberta`s strong financial position it would not make sense to continue in a Canadian partnership, as to do so it would deprive their provincial citizens of revenues that today are used to support other regions in “Canada”.

Ontario & British Columbia would have that same choice. Suddenly in Canada there may no longer be equalization payments to support the regions in need. Ironically, today that would even include the Province of Quebec. With a Conservative mandate under Prime Minister Harper, Canadians can expect more Provincial autonomy, and basically the right for Provinces to move outside the “Canada” umbrella. The choice is yours as many of the “Provinces in need” have very little control of where the Government is headed. For the rich, it is a simple choice to become part of the new “NAU” rather than subsidize the Provinces in need. This also has been part of Prime Minister Mr. Harper`s original goal to destroy Canada as it once was.

We are at the cross-roads and your future vote will decide on where your interests lie. Canadian or Provincial?

Read about Harper’s plan - Book available on CLICK here to acquire book


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