Border Pact: U.S. Cops and Army go to Canadian cities

OTTAWA ( — Armed U.S. police officers [and the U.S. army] will for the first time be allowed to operate in Canada along with the RCMP as part of far-reaching changes in Canadian-American border operations to be unveiled next week by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama.

The joint action plan to be announced at the White House will also break new ground by introducing exit-entry records that will track the movements of everyone who leaves the United States or Canada, with the information available to authorities in both countries.

In the months and years ahead, the deal between Ottawa and Washington will reshape security, travel and commercial arrangements at the border in a variety of profound ways — some of which have already raised alarms among Canadians.

The Agreement, which has been the subject of confidential negotiations since last winter, is intended to reverse the economically damaging border tie-ups that have been growing since Sept. 11, 2001, while upgrading anti-crime and anti-terrorist security for both countries.

In contrast to the silence from Canadian negotiators, some U.S. officials have been open about what the new reality at the border will look like in the years ahead.

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There are 2 comments on this post

We Canadians are so screwed. US is the new evil
Give it all the thought you can and the only solution is an ELECTED Senate so the back room deals can come to the public attention by accountable elected officials. Our system now, is only to elect the Prime Minister who then has complete control of all His caucus.

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