Japan's Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster

This Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster is still on going and as one of the “Japanese Irregulars” that have been following this since 3/11 and blogging on HuffingtonPost about it, I’d like to share what I've learned:

1. That not only is this multi-reactor meltdown still spewing radioactivity into the air and Pacific Ocean off the reactor complex but the current estimates are that any resolution (cleanup is too benign a word) will take DECADES!

2. TEPCO & the US Nuclear Industry are trying to say that this entire Debacle is due to the big Tsunami and NOT the Quake, because if the quake is the real initiator (and many believe the data points in that direction), then that puts all reactors at risk! Nature can destroy any reactor anytime anywhere 24/7/365, because Nature does not follow reactor design limitations! Case in point American reactors have a very low G rating (think shake rating) so they will fail if there is a big quake! The NRC knows this and you can read email about it here: It takes a while to load, but it is worth the wait!http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1117/ML11175A278.pdf

3. Please realize that they cannot just cover this complex up with concrete because the Molten Corium is just too hot (no pun intended)! This melted super radioactive “Stew” has already melted through one or more reactor pressure vessels (many observers think 3 of the 6 reactors) and is at the moment working it way through the cement containment structures (some even feel this has happened already) and is now heading through the “landfill” below the complex toward the water table below! If that happens then the resulting radioactive steam release will be gigantic and its affects will be seen globally, thanks to the Jet Stream!

4. Ask yourselves how Canada would handle a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like the Japanese are struggling with now and then perhaps many more will continue to question if Nuclear is indeed the best option for Canada!  With Solar, there is no risk of either a manmade or Nature caused Trillion Dollar Nuclear Eco-Disaster...

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