Letters and Editorials 6315 Views by Tony Elliott

America today parallels Ancient Rome

Today, the United States has many parallels as an empire to that of the collapse of the ancient Roman Empire. There were many causes of the fall of Rome however, but the main problems which led to it are exactly the same as those we face currently, here in America as a nation.


The fall of the Roman Empire took a few centuries for the total dissolution of that government to take place. However, in America the same problems that brought down the Roman Empire are expedited to the point that we are looking at decades, rather than centuries before the collapse of the US government.


The following are examples of what brought Rome down as an empire, and what is going to destroy the American government in a very short time. Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor: We experience this in the US today in the form of the constant bickering between the House and Senate in their disdain of the President over power, money, and control.


Decline in Morals: At present, this country faces the greatest decline in moral values since the Roman Empire, with forcing its own set of morals on citizens by demanding and forcibly removing traditional moral values, dictating that parents have no say in whether their children, some as young as 10 years old engage in sex, and a host of other immoral conduct proclaimed as law.


Political Corruption: A force has been created in the same tradition as the Praetorian Guard which were a special force of troops used by Roman Emperors as body guards, security, and state security. This same Guard exists in America in the form of Homeland Security and other branches of government who perform like the Gestapo by enforcing Socialistic laws, through unconstitutional tactics. Fast Expansion of the Empire: We have been experiencing the expansion of the US in the world militarily since 9-11 encompassing more territory than at any time in the past.


Constant Wars and Out of Control Military Spending: Since 9-11 America has been in a constant state of war, spending trillions on its military. Barbarian Knowledge of Roman military tactics: The same exists in America presently, where through the False Flag operation of 9-11, we have created hate and disdain for us among the Muslim world, thus creating a massive network of combatants in the world, who now study the military tactics of the US as was seen in Iraq.


Failing economy: I needn’t say much about this topic, since we have been in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression from 2007 and continuing. As a nation, the US is bankrupt and has to print any money it spends.


Unemployment: Since 2007, the US has had an unemployment rate that resembles a Third World country in every aspect. True numbers of unemployment, meaning not just counting those receiving unemployment insurance payments, are around 22% nationally and as high as 50% in certain areas of the country, such as California’s Imperial Valley.


The Decline in Ethics and Values: The US government has managed to remove most values people adhered to and continues to run the economy into the ground by way of dirty politicians skimming money for themselves that belong to the people.


Slave Labour: The quest for slave labor in the US has taken many jobs overseas to areas, where workers are hired for a fraction of what it costs for the same work done by Americans in America. The massive invasion of Illegal Aliens from south of the border, which the government promotes, makes it possible for companies and the government itself to hire workers for jobs at far below the minimum wage.


Natural disasters: We have had our share over the years, costing billions, however at the same time the US government spends even more per year on climate change and renewable energy projects. Since global warming/climate change is proven false when compared to actual scientific records and renewable energy sources, such as the wind industry and solar power are proven to use more grid power than they will ever produce.


Our government is essentially wasting trillions on failed projects.


Christianity: The parallels between Christianity in the Roman days and that of Islam for the US today, are astounding. We are told that we fight Muslim extremists around the world while at the same time, we see the US supporting Islamic extremism such as Egypt, Libya, and many other Mid-East countries.


At home, Muslims values are protected by the government while Christian values are denounced as prejudice and secular.


When the problems that caused the fall of the Roman Empire are compared to the problems America faces today, along with the fact that our problems are progressing much quicker.


It will be a matter of years, not centuries before America ceases to exist.


We have ourselves as citizens to blame for allowing Socialist Insurgents into Washington to destroy our country.


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