Anti-Aging: Watermelon prevents heart disease

Who would have thought that the lowly watermelon was such a powerhouse of nutrition?

It turns out that this mostly water, low-calorie fruit is also an excellent source of the major antioxidant, vitamin C.  It is high in beta carotene, the forerunner of vitamin A, making it good for eyesight in general and good for preventing glaucoma.  Furthermore, the combination of vitamin C and beta-carotene has been shown to prevent some cancers, alleviate heart disease, reduce the symptoms of arthritis and minimize the breathing problems associated with asthma. The potent anti-oxidants in watermelon have been shown to neutralize damaging free radical molecules, allowing us tothwartmany of the most prevalent diseases. Lycopene, another ingredient of watermelon has been shown to protect the body against a growing number of cancers.  Lycopene protects against the negative effects of sunburn, and protects the cells from other types of damage.

Somewhat surprisingly, watermelon also contains the B vitamins thiamine and pyridoxine which have important functions in the body particularly with converting food into a form that can be used by the cells. Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is a hormone regulator which helps many women through difficult menstrual cycles.

Potassium and magnesium, important for cardiovascular and brain health, as well as fluid management, are also found in significant quantities in watermelon.  The list goes on. Watermelon juice is deeply hydrating, (watermelon is around 92% water), making it great for athletes and highly active people.  Watermelon extract has been shown to help reduce moderately elevated blood pressure, due to the presence of citrulline and arginine, two important amino acids.

This hydrating trait also flushes out all the urinary organs: kidneys, gall bladder andthe bladder. Keepingthe body well hydrated seems to help maintain collagen production, which promotes firm, youthful skin and a healthy body.  And as if all these benefits already listed were not enough, (well, actually because of all of them) watermelon seems to play a crucial role in reducing the effects of aging.

The backyard barbecue way of eating watermelon, with or without seed spitting contests, is a good way to get some of the benefits of this delicious, nutritious fruit.  However, the greatest benefit comes when the entire fruit is juiced.  Studies have shown that the rind is the most nutritious part of the fruit (just like apples), while the seeds contain some beneficial fats.

The many nutrients in watermelon, and their associated properties, make this much-loved fruit an essential part of a healthy diet.  Above and beyond all the miraculous cures listed above, watermelon is known to be an important ingredient in the fight against aging.  Who can argue with that?


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