Top 10 Ways to Flirt

Flirting is not easy for everyone and for some it can be flat out awkward. Flirting is how we show people how much we like them in hopes to going on a date with them and beginning a relationship. Some people do not have the confidence that it takes to flirt while others are just natural flirts. is a website that has posted many tips on how to flirt with someone. If you follow this simple tips, you can start to develop a great relationship that may last for years.

1. Text Flirting: After you have met your new crush online on sites like, you may start to exchange phone calls and text messages. By doing some text flirting, you can truly let them know how much you like them.

2. Touching: There are simple ways to flirt and one of them is through touching. Be sure that you don’t touch too much, but some slight brushes of the arm or leg can be just enough.

3. Body language: By crossing your legs toward your new friend could be an instant sign of flirting. Simple body language is a great way to flirt and will allow them to know you are interested in them.

4. Smile: Why wouldn’t you smile if you’re around someone that you find interesting. The more you flash those pearly whites, the more your new friend will want to be around you.

5. Compliments: Make sure if your date looks great, you let them know. Tell them you like their eyes or their outfit. Compliments are the best way to flirt.

6. Joke: Make jokes. Sometimes even the corniest jokes will make them smile. If you find yourself telling the joke wrong, make sure you admit to it. That will make you look even more genuine.

7. Dance closely: If you two go out on a date and start dancing, make sure that you stay really close to them. This is a sure fire way to show them how much you like them.

8. Sit on their lap: If you two are out together and they are sitting down, plop right into their lap. This is a great way to flirt and it is also adorable.

9. Whisper: At the bar just move close to them and whisper something sweet in their ear. The closer your mouth is to their ear, the more flirtatious you will appear to them. This is a definite way to flirt according to

10. Rub their shoulders: A quick and subtle massage is a great way to not only get a chance to touch them, but also a great way to flirt.

Remember that flirting can be verbal or non-verbal and it is important to know the boundaries when you are flirting. If your new friend has not shown the same interest in you, perhaps it is time to stop flirting. If the two of you aren’t hitting it off well, it may not be worth the extra flirting. Just take it slow and see how it goes.




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