Alien angel-like being seen in Harcourt, New Brunswick

A witness has reported sighting an alien angel-like being in Harcourt, New Brunswick. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and was posted on 12 August, 2015.

 The witness begins the report by describing what he was doing at the time of the incident.

“I was outside my parents place at 12:20 recording myself because I was seeing weird stuff in the sky and everything went quiet for a moment, and just not your normal quietness.”

He describes seeing orbs in the sky and also talks about their movement and direction.

“I saw an orb in the sky flying all directions until it took off towards the north and vanished. Then another showed up to the NE and was bobbing up and down like a yo-yo and vanished quite quickly.”

The witness then tells us how another craft showed up and describes how lights were pulsating around this craft.

“Suddenly no more than 5min after another craft showed up above the trees in front of me no more than 100-150ft from me with red and green lights pulsating around the object.”

He then describes how the craft started to glow red and how it kept getting louder as its lights turned redder.

“All of a sudden the lights went out and it started to glow red in the center a bit and it just kept getting more red and as it was turning more red it was making a humming or roaring sound and it kept getting louder the more red it got.”

The witness tells us how the craft took off with the whitest light he had ever seen and then stopped over him.

“As this was happening I was walking back closer to the house and it took off with the whitest light that I have ever seen and just as it was flying over me it stopped.”

He further describing seeing an angel-like being and tells us how the being was smiling.

“I know this sounds crazy and I’m not religious so anyways it stopped above me and opened up and it was a Angel I saw her wings face smiling at me and her feet were crossed.”

He says that the angel-like being made him feel at peace and then took off.

“In that short moment she made me understand that everything is going to be ok for us, I never felt more at peace and anyways shortly after she folded up her wings and took off.”

The witness then tells us how his mom was also able to see similar orbs on the same night.

“My mom was heading home from work around 2:00am in the morning and when she was coming close to Harcourt she saw weird red orb in the sky, so when I was telling my story to my mom and dad, she said she also seen something the same night.”

The witness finally explains why he was unable to record the object with his cell phone.

“I don't think that I got anything on my cell. I took a little bit of video audio but I stopped recording shortly after I started hearing weird sounds because I stopped it and ran for the house.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity. Comment and let us know what you think of this sighting. Do you believe that angels exist?


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