UFO: Alien Witness in California speaks up after years

A parent in Castro Valley, California has finally come out about her childhood alien sighting story to the world after forty years of silence.  The decision to reveal this information had been taken after she was confronted recently for the second time by the same alien beings that were witnessed by her years ago.

According to her words in the testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness database, she believes that she was visited by strange alien creatures when she was young. She explains the incident in her own words as “They were so short, and my room so dark I could only see they were light colored, dark eyes, their mouths were opened in an "o" shape and they had skinny arms that moved so fat they were blurred. “

At first she had thought she was having nightmares of these aliens arriving and carrying out some kind of an operation on her body.

“I was hovering next to my twin bed above the ground at bed level and they were performing what I thought to be an operation of some sort over my torso. I could move nothing but my eyes and could not scream” she says.

Forty years later, she had had to endure an incident similar to her childhood again. According to her, it had started off as a dream at around 3.15am on the morning of 11th November 2015. Even though she was outdoors at a concert when the aliens arrived in her dream, she had run off with the aliens following after her. A bright light in the sky is all she remembers and the next thing she knows is that she’s back in her bed. She says that there were flashes of green light coming from where her feet was and that she had felt a weird sensation which she describes as “I could feel an energy source what I would describe as pulling my body but not moving me . It did not hurt. More like an intense internal tickling but not so tickly.” Eventually she had forced herself to wake up from the dream and had gotten her son to sleep in her bed next to her for safety.

Proving her instincts correct about the dream, the aliens had arrived in her room several minutes later around 4.15am. Although her whole body had gone numb as if paralyzed she could see the lights that told her they had arrived. She had fought the numbness and had been able to get up from the sleep and she believes that she was being harassed by the aliens at that point. She also says that they were singing a creepy song in her ear saying they miss her. Although she knows that the incident was veiled by a dream of which the song may be a part of, she confirms that the incident was very real and that she saw and sensed their presence.  


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