Elder Spousal Abuse: Ottawa Man Prevents Disabled Wife Seeing Son

In Ottawa, Canada, since 12 June 2015 an Ottawa man has prevented his wife from being able to see her own son.  

The above video further shows how local police can be helpless to elder spousal abuse if the woman in the marraige becomes sick and disabled.  In effect. elderly women even in a supposedly modern and progressive society like Canada can essentially become a prisoner in her own home in the face of an abusive husband.  

An adult child can also become as hopeless as police in preventing by an able-bodied parent against a disabled parent whose condition becomes worse and worse under the perpetuation of abuse and neglect - Ontario Superior Court if Justice File 15-66772.

You can send donations via PayPal if you would like to make a donation to free Raymond's Mom from being help captive by her husband.  PayPal donations to Raymond's Legal Fund can be made to agoracosmopolite@on.aibn.com.


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