UFO: Silent Flying Alien Object Flies Over Nevada Witness

Date: 05 July, 2016.

Place: State of Nevada, United States.

The State of Nevada, in the United States, is very famous for its sandy, desert-like landscapes, which attract thousands of visitors every year.

However, Nevada has also been recognised for being a hotspot of extraterrestrial activity in the United States. And one of the most recent events of this kind took place just two days ago.

According to an anonymous report published on UFO specialised website MUFON.com, the midnight of the 05 July, an alleged “circular disc shaped object” was seen quietly flying above the State of Nevada by a local resident.

“I was walking home, between 12:20 a.m. and 12:45 a.m.”, the unnamed witness stated. “Then I noticed a red glare of some sort in the sky as I was walking towards my street”. He mentioned that the light suddenly disappeared, but “as I'm getting near my house I noticed something moving towards my direction in the sky”.

When the unknown flying object reached the witness’s position, he was able to observe its features. “As it got closer I could see it was a circular disc shaped object completely silent flying. It had a small circular glow, not too bright in the center and I could tell it was bigger than the glow”, he said.

About the behaviour of the craft, he commented: “It flew above my head and then turned fast and smoothly in another direction. It travelled fast towards me but slowed down as it got closer before it turned”. Additionally, it flew at a very low altitude. “The object looked less than 500 ft. above me”.

The whole sighting lasted between “maybe 3 to 5 minutes”.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=77500&rnd=

Long Description of Sighting Report

I was walking home, between 12:20 am and 12:45 am. I noticed a red glare of some sort in the sky as I was walking towards my street. The red light disappeared. As I'm getting near my house I noticed something moving towards my direction in the sky. I stopped to watch it and it was coming towards me. As it got closer I could see it was a circular disc shaped object completely silent flying. It had a small circular glow, not too bright in the center and I could tell it was bigger than the glow. It flew above my head and then turned fast and smoothly in another direction. It traveled fast towards me but slowed down as it got closer before it turned. As it headed in its new direction I could see the top of it. It looked like the typical flying saucer and I thought about chasing it on foot but that wouldbe been impossible and it disappeared as it kept going. The object looked less than 500 ft above me. It was night time so I could barely make notice of its details. But the little bit of light that caught it looked kinda shiny. Thats duration was maybe 3-5 minutes in its entirety from start to finish.it happened after midnight after the 4th of July.  


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