Ottawa Man Neglects Wife With Taxpayers' Money and Lawyer-Appearing Entity

Are you seeking to abuse your wife with money from taxpayers?  Just ask Mr. Jeremy Wright of the City of Ottawa.  He's the City of Ottawa Lawyer who continues to support the blocking of visitation access by Dezrin Carby-Samuels.  She has been denied access to seeing her son since 12 June 2016.  Dezrin has also been blocked from having access to social service agents.

Jeremy Wright is an entity who clearly lacks empathy.  Empathy is a defining characteristic of humans in contrast with entities that appear to be void of empathy.

Does the Office of Jeremy Wright think that it's okay for men to oppress women in general and for men to subject their wives to abuse?

1. What planet is this guy from that he thinks it's okay to protect the ability of an abuser with the help of dirty cops to subject wives to abuse neglect?

Entities across our planet Earth have allegedy been embedded within Earth's institutions to subject humans like Dezrin Carby-Samuels to unspeakable atrocities against basic human rights.  According to Dr. Micheal Salla, shows like ABC-TV's cancelled “V” seek to “hide truth in plain sight”.

As a result, Dezrin can no longer walk, talk, or write having been subjected to abuse by her husband who had also undermined her access to speech therapy that the Bruyere Hospital in Ottawa had recommended.

If you're an abusive husband, and you're lucky, Jeremy Wright might also help facilitate access to the apparent dirty cops that Dezrin's husband had hired so that he could perpetuate abuse without being interrupted by her son who had been Dezrin's care-giver and the social service agents who her husband had blocked.


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