Ottawa Man Says Aliens Contacted Him – Then Abuses Wife, Blocks Visitation Access

An Ottawa man who claims that we was saved by aliens after having had a 'Near Death Experience' then began to abuse both his son and elderly wife. Is this a coincidence?

Apparently, after having been “saved” during the 'Near Death Experience', these same aliens began keeping in contact with this man through his dreams.  The Ottawa man then claims that the aliens had “a mission” for him.  

Well, it seems the price for “saving” someone's life was not an exercise in charity but came with a price!   

The Ottawa man then began abusing his wife and son in weird episodes in which he seemed to be temporarily “possessed”.  During these episodes, his eyes would temporarily bulge into a stare and he would then began to rant imaginary scenarios in which someone took or moved one of his belongings and other such rants.

Soon the man in his normal appearing states would talk to neighbours and friends alike in person and over the phone about the “threat of Extraterrestrials”.  He would then began to make further specific rants about “demons”.

Was this man “crying out for help” against aliens who were beginning to take over his conscious state outside of his dreams?

Currently, this Ottawa man has blocked visitation access that his wife and son have sought of each other for more than a year – since 15 June 2015.

During this time, he has also denied access to social service agents and recommended speech therapists.  More coincidences?

Back in 2013, the Ottawa man took out a knife and pointed it to his son's stomach.  His son grabbed at the knife to protect himself from being stabbed.  

The father who was once relatively protective of his son began to become very hostile as contacts that he claimed to have with aliens in his dreams began to become more frequent.

The Ottawa man almost severed-off one of his son's fingers, and ended up in emergency room.  His son required about six months of physical rehabilitation at Ottawa's Riverside Hospital.   When this Ottawa man “woke-up” from his apparent possessed state, he claimed to have no memory of the incident.

According to this Ottawa man, these aliens indicated that they regarded him to be a member of the “Bio Electric Union”, and that these aliens sought to make the rest of humanity join.  His son warned him that these aliens appeared to constitute a threat to the sovereignty of humans.  The Ottawa man ignored his son's pleas.  

The Ottawa man then began to stay up long hours writing on the need for humans to join the “Bio Electric Union”.

Is there any relationship between such a concept and that of “Artificial Intelligence” as being ego-driven animated vessels described by John Lash on

It is possible that aliens acting through this Ottawa man were responsible for inflicting both violence against his son and wife?

The Ottawa man who had no previous record of any physical spousal abuse, then began absuing his wife in weird episodes in which he seemed to be temporarily possessed.  During these episodes, his eyes would buldge into a stare and he would then began to rant imaginary scenarios in which someone took or moved one of his belongings and other such rants.

As the son sought to protect his Mom from abuse and sought treatment for her mysterious illness, the Ottawa man would have more violent episodes or rage and seemed to be determined that his wife would not get any further care-giving support or treatment.

Did the alleged aliens have an agenda against his wife?

Did an apparent “alien personae” that this Ottawa man would temporarily switch into take over shortly after 12 June 2015 when he last allowed his son to see his mother?

The son reports that having seen his father out in public since that time that this Ottawa man seems not to be the same person he was before – physically and otherwise.

Dezrin Carby-Samuels (shown in this photo) has been made an apparent prisoner in her own home.

It also appears that this Ottawa man has hired dirty cops and lawyers to enforce conditions of abuse and confinement for an unknown agenda.  Are these cops, lawyers and other apparent operatives also a part of this “Bio Electric Union” that seeks to target and control humans for unknown agendas?

According to Dr. Michael Salla, science fiction like ABC-TV cancelled “V” series “hid truth in plain sight”.  

In the above video, Canadian actor David Richmond-Peck suggests through his character that human-appearing manipulative alien species are embedded within Earth's institutions and have sought to exploit and eventually destroy humans on Earth.  

John Lash indicates on that manipulative aliens which the ancient Pagan Gnostics referred to as “archons” have sought to cast themselves through organized religious and apparent “religious experiences” as the “saviours of humankind”.  But, the agenda of such aliens that the Pagan Gnostics referred to as “artificial man” are far from charitable and are directed to assimilating humankind into “virtual reality” and the an oppressive “mechanical world” controlled by artificial intelligence that is voided of empathy that is an essential characteristic of humans as spiritual-biological beings with a soul.  

Alleged Archons seek to offer through organized religions and “religious experiences” a fake counterfeit spirituality that can be used to control humans under by John Lash described as the “fallen angels” from a dimension of Hell.

Nigel Kerner has written about manipulative aliens seeking to harvest souls [video below].


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