Alien Clones: Ottawa Ederly Woman's Capture Suggests New World Order Agenda

Dezrin Carby-Samuels, an elderly Ottawa woman, [shown in photo] has been prevented from seeing her son and other visitors.  As a result, this Kanata, Ontario woman can no longer walk, talk or write.  Visitation access seems to have been blocked by “people” who act consistent with having been cloned.  Notably, Dezrin Carby-Samuels has been subjected to invasive medical exams and procedures which have not been aimed at helping her get better but instead aimed at treating her as some kind of lab rat.  

The first series of these dead-end exams not directed at any treatment was initiated by a Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum who “poked” and “prodded” this poor woman for his data.  When Dezrin's son Raymond found a doctor who was actually making Dezrin much better, Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum through an operative prevented further treatment with this other doctor  by using apparent mind control techniques against Dezrin.  Upon Dezrin's return to Dr. Jerry Tenenabum her condition began to get bad again.  One of Dr. Tenenbaum's apparent “experiments” resulted in Dezrin getting a chronic form of high blood pressure that she had never experienced in her life.  Indeed, Dezrin has enjoyed a below average blood pressure that had consistently hovered reportedly around 90 over 70.

It is difficult to ascertain why Dezrin has been captured other than simply to be broadly targeted for “medical research”.  However, our very future as a human species that is free and sovereign might very well depend on the speed at which we can come together to liberate Dezrin and other possible human captives from such physical and other apparent alien control through operatives.  Our failure to form a resistance to free Dezrin Carby-Samuels may very well result in the further capture of “human subjects” by artificial entities cloned from abducted humans.  

According to Alex Collier in the above video, manipulative aliens referred to by ancient Pagan Gnostics as the “archons” described by John Lash's research are abducting humans, and then “bottling-up” their soul energies for further experiments.  Apparently, these archons then replace these human beings with artificial “look-alikes” that are then controlled by the alien creators of the clones.  

These mind-controlled “archons” have been allegedly embedded across Earth's institutions [video below].  The archons have sought to subject targeted humans for the kind of horrific experiments that Dezrin Carby-Samuels who has been made a prisoner in her own home in Kanata has experienced.   

Is it possible that the apparent capture of Dezrin, and blocked access to visitation rights for her to see her son, and others, foreshadow a “New World Order”?  Some researchers and contactees of Ethical Extraterrestrials like Alex Collier suggest that a New World Order of cloned entities and highly oppressive manipulative aliens is being created in which humanity will become a “slave race” with no better of a life than Dezrin or the fish that humans have harvested in “fish farms” or  the cows that are slaughtered in the meat industry.

Indeed. our world in which we inflict such exploitation against animals is an apparent projection of the manipulative alien mind which now seeks to subject humanity to the same fate.  It is further rumoured that alien overlords have sought to hunt and consume human.

Although it is difficult to be more precise about the reasons for the apparent capture of Dezrin Carby-Samuels by a apparent network of embedded clones, we ought to assume that there must be an extremely important reason based upon the apparent determination of these apparent clones to prevent the liberation of Dezrin Carby-Samuels, irrespective of whether they expose their activities to the world.  

Perhaps these puppet masters of these alleged and apparent clones are of the view that no one will believe that there are clones running lose on our planet Earth, and that their activities involve perpetrating  abuse, neglect, exploitation toward the prospects of the eventual destruction of Dezrin and other humans?

Though medical experiments, it appears that aliens though their cloned operatives hope to gather the fullest range of data to ensure an ultimately sought totalitarian control of humans alongside the consumption of humans and their energies as a “food sources”.

Dezrin is an extremely empathic person who has given back to the community when she was able-bodied before having been subject to apparent alien-directed experimenters.  Dezrin who is a retired and very hardworking Registered Nurse, may very well be among those of us humans who best exemplifies the human spirit and our capacity for altruism and self-sacrifice in the support of others.

If we, as humans, lack the will to free and liberate a truly loving person like Dezrin Carby-Samuels from having been captured and abused for more than 12 months, what hope would we have as a human race to resist the efforts by the regressive aliens described by Alex Collier and others which seek to create of a |”New World Order”.  

In such a “Brave New World” humans as the “ruling species” of our planet Earth would be replaced by the kinds of apparent “clones” subjugating Dezrin that are, in turn, reportedly under the control of what Dr. Michael Salla described as a manipulative alien-military-political-industrial complex.


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