Grey Alien Appears In Hangar around Houston, TX

Date: 13 April, 2017.

Place: Houston, State of Texas, United States.

On 13 April, a very strange event was witnessed in the city of Houston, Texas.

According to an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website, a local resident affirmed to have had a close encounter with a grey alien entity inside a hangar.

“I was in our big hangar at work, turning off the main lights and closing the main doors at night, after everyone had left (everyone left about 19:00)”, the witness related. “After I finished closing the last one, I was walking to exit on the north side door of the hangar, when I noticed something move. I then stopped to look in the back at the hangar (West wall) as to what was moving, and I noticed there was someone walking behind the aircraft in back of the hangar”, he continued.

The unnamed witness would be surprised by what he found there. “I stopped (East wall) to look at who was there, and I saw 2 long, skinny legs, greyish-green in colour, and could tell whatever it was, was facing my direction”, he affirmed. “I then saw it turn and began walking to the South wall. I was a little nervous by this point, and quickly was walking to my exit on the north side of the hangar”, he expressed.

“I then heard a loud bang in the back Southwest corner of the hangar and I knew without a doubt that whatever I was looking at was moving extremely fast! So I picked up my pace towards the door and then, directly behind me, there was a loud bang on the main hangar doors where I was just standing seconds ago!” the Houston resident related.

In his opinion, the entity was “around 9 – 10 feet tall”. He also affirmed that “the legs were long and skinny, and they were the same size above and below the knee”.

“I did not see torso/head or arms; it was behind the plane. I did clearly see it walking and turning to the south, and legs bending and stepping”, he asserted.

Draw your own conclusions…

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