Aliens: Dark Humanoid Entity Scares Driver In Imperial, CA

Date: 24 March, 2017.

Place: Imperial County, State of California, United States.

A few months ago, on 24 March, a very strange event was witnessed in Imperial County, California.

According to an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website, a local resident affirmed to have seen “two white lights” moving across the sky and, a few moments later, a man-like entity “dressed in black clothing” appeared in front of him.

“I was driving, attempting to locate a specific area in Imperial County. It was very early (approximately 02:30 hrs.) in an extremely rural area”, the unnamed witness related. “I pulled to the side of a two lane-paved road to check my G.P.S mapping [when] I observed two white lights travelling in a slow and seemingly aimless manner to my West, between 10 and 30 degrees above the ground. The distance was hard to judge, due to the darkness and terrain. However my best estimate would be less than a mile”, he continued.

The Californian citizen said that he decided to stop, in order to observe the strange lights. “I exited my vehicle and leaned against the front fender, had a cigarette, and watched curiously as the lights drifted and floated silently in the sky. I got back into my car and drove up the road approximately 100 yards, in order to see if I might get a better perspective”, he stated.

“Upon exiting my vehicle, the lights appeared a little closer. However, I still heard no sound coming from the direction of the lights. About 30 seconds later, the lights simply disappeared.  No bright flashes, no speeding off into the distance, they just vanished from my view”, he affirmed.

The unnamed witness expressed that he was very confused by this time, but he was not scared. However, the situation would soon become even stranger. “I stamped out my cigarette and got back into my car, [but] before I had a chance to start the engine, a man seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind the driver’s left rear of my car. I was quite startled by his sudden appearance, but for some reason I wasn't frightened”, he expressed.

“He was dressed in dark clothing and I remember his shoes were noisy, like hard soles on gravel”, the anonymous driver asserted. “He didn't bend down to my window; he just stood there. Then, he asked in a very casual manner if I needed directions; I told him that I was good and that I was just watching the lights. He didn't say anything else; he just turned around and walked away as if he was returning his car”.

However, the confused witness expressed that “there wasn't anything like a vehicle that I could see”, and the strange man simply was “no longer in sight”.

Draw your own conclusions…

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