UFO: Blinking alien orb seen over Prince Edward Island

A blinking alien orb was seen flying in the sky in Clyde River, Prince Edward Island on 2 July at midnight. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) published on 13 July, 2017.

The witness describes what she saw when she looked out of the window. She also tells us that she called her boyfriend to take a look at the alien orb as she wanted a second opinion.

"I happened to look out the window and see this light moving. I watched it move around for 5 minutes before waking my boyfriend to come and look at it as I could not believe what I was seeing and needed a second opinion."

She says that her boyfriend so the alien orb move and describes how it changed colours and moved in various directions.

"He too saw this object moving. It would change colours and move around in different directions and even stop and hovered at times."

She talks about the light resembling lightning bolts that came from the orb.

"There was tiny streaks of light that came from the orb that appeared almost like tiny lightning bolts."

She then says that she could see a dark circle in the middle of the orb and also talks about the time and date of the sighting.

"When I zoom in on the object in the video, I can see a tiny dark circle in the middle of the bright orb. This occurred ay approx. 3:30am on July 2nd."

She further explains why the orb could not have been a plane, star or satellite.

"I initially tried to explain it away as a star or satellite. No planes fly over PEI at that hour so I knew it wasn't a plane. It moved back and forth too much to be a star or satellite."

The witness then tells us why she could not stay awake to investigate the alien orb.

"I wanted to stay up and investigate but at the same time I was exhausted from travelling all day prior, I went to bed with the intent of getting up to check if it was still there in about an hour but went to bed and never woke up again until morning."

She then talks about experiences intense dreams about aliens.

I had crazy intense dreams about alien encounters all that night."I kept waking to find myself in yet another dream like state where I encounters alien after alien."

She finally says that the alien orb was not there when woke up once daylight was out.

"Woke up in a cold sweat when I realized it was daylight out. Checked outside but no sign of the object."

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

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