Canadian Photographs Glowing UFO In Hope, BC

Date: 13 August, 2017.

Place: Hope, Province of British Columbia, Canada.

Last month, on 13 August, a very strange event was reported in the small city of Hope, British Columbia.

According to an anonymous testimony published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) online database, a local resident affirmed to have seen “a UFO hovering above a tree” while camping in a rural area near the British Columbian town.

“I was watching the Moon and the stars while camping/hiking in a remote area of British Columbia (Manning Park). As I sat, a fuzzy event happened over my head. Only the Moon was visible, when I saw a UFO hovering in a tree above me”, the witness stated.

The British Columbian citizen affirmed that, right after this sighting, he had some odd experiences. “I took a picture, [and] then returned to my tent, somewhat afraid, but not terrorised.

I fell asleep, and experienced weird engineering dreams. When home, I looked at the images I took, and the UFO was clearly above me, yet the sky seemed to have a cloud around. Several orbs were visible in this fuzziness, as well as the Moon”, he expressed.

The witness also affirmed that these orbs had strange features inside, and one of them looked like “a link to another world”. “The orbs had geometrical patterns inside, and one looked like it was a link to another world, as there were buildings inside, but after boosting size and contrast, it was hard to identify. After that, I've taken photos near my home in the city, and have had many shots of orbs appearing”, he explained.

“One of the photos has a sort of white geometric netting that would fit perfectly over a circle. If you look closely, a faint object can be seen under the white overlay. The other photos show two close orbs and one further away. I have other photos of the orbs”, he said. “I also thought I saw the same lights from the original UFO on a clear night while in Vancouver. This seems to be interested in me”, he asserted.

Draw your own conclusions…

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