Ottawa Woman Abused and Held Prisoner For More Than 2 Years - Does Anyone Care?

For more than 2 years now, Dezrin, the Ottawa woman shown in this photo has been subjected to abuse under the lies, disinformation and deception spread by John Summers, her husband's lawyer.  But perhaps a bigger question might be if anyone cares, at least in Ottawa, Canada's capital.

For more than two years, Ottawa Police Services and the local media alike has saw fit not to redress this context of abuse.

In the meantime, Mr. Summers has done his part of spread whatever fiction it seems, against Raymond, her son, to frustrate the desires of Dezrin to see her son and to have a life free of conditions of abuse imposed by her husband.

You can show you care by emailing your moral support or donations to or sharing this terrible story to your social network to solicit support from your friends and family.

Let's support specifically Dezrin along with the rights of women to be free of abuse and the rights of physically disabled Canadians.


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