White Alien Appears In Tarboro, North Carolina

Date: 04 March, 2018.

Place: Tarboro, North Carolina State, United States.

Last month, on 04 March, a very strange event was witnessed in the small town of Tarboro, North Carolina.

According to an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network online database, a local resident affirmed to have witnessed a series of inexplicable events, like recording the encounter between an alleged helicopter or plane and a UFO; and photographing a white entity lurking around his house.

“On 04 March, 2018, while working in my shed, I heard the dog barking. I stepped out the shed to see what he was barking at. As I stood there, I looked at the sky and saw what looked like a plane or helicopter going straight towards a light and then disappeared”, the witness asserted. “I said to myself: ‘that looks weird’, so I grabbed my cellphone to start recording. My phone battery was too low for video recording, so I ran inside to get my wife's phone, ran back outside and started recording. It appeared to me that something was shooting at it [the light]. I videotaped it and, at one point, you see it flash in a big glow and then moving”, he added.

In reference to the unknown entity he spotted, the North Carolina resident explained: “a few nights before that [the UFO incident], I was picking something up off the floor in the shed and I looked up and saw a white face with black eyes looking through the shed at me. I stepped out the shed thinking it might have been one of my kids playing with me, but no one was there. However, I felt like someone was watching me”.

He also mentioned that the creature “pinched” him, but the injuries he suffered were not serious. “When I went back in the shed, I felt like something kept trying to pull down my pants and pinched me. I kind of loss awareness, but then I came back too. I felt kind of odd, like something had happen. I did notice some scars on my hand and back, but I just ignored it”, the American citizen claimed.

Draw your own conclusions…

For more information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=90801&rnd=

Link to the video recordings: https://www.mufoncms.com/files_jeud8334j/90801_submitter_file1__20180303233552.mp4



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