Trudeau Losing Trust On Border Crossing Issue

The problem of irregular border crossings into Canada have become an increasingly worrisome issue in Canada especially after it was found that over 31,000 people claimed asylum in the country within a year, most of them coming into Canada after crossing the long land border with the United States.

Spotniknews reports that, a poll taken by independent research institute Angus Reid has found that 65% of Canadians believe their country has received "too many" irregular border crossers "for Canada to handle," with just 29% saying the number was "manageable."

The poll was taken in the midst of increasing pressure by the Conservatives and provinces demanding that Ottawa that actions to address irregular border crossers.  According to the report, barring a snap election, Canadians will go to the polls in 2019 to elect a new government. A July Ipsos poll showed the Conservative Party leading the Liberals 37% to 33%.

Citizens also believe the liberals made a lot of election promises that had then graced the pages of the “openness and transparency section” of the Liberal platform, this includes promising to overhaul the Access to Information Act and to create an all-party national security oversight committee. They also vowed to run an open government which according to them, had been hitherto run secretively. “Transparent government is good government.” They said If we want Canadians to trust their government, we need a government that trusts Canadians.”

It is said that lack of trust was one of the problems that led to the defeat of the conservatives.“From muzzled scientists to the Mike Duffy affair, the government stood accused of both silence and spin. The media seized on the narrative as well. In 2012 the Canadian Association of Journalists awarded the Tories the dubious “Code of Silence Award”, and after the Liberals were elected, the Toronto Star editorial board urged them to “reverse Harper’s legacy of secrecy.”  Said the report of ipolitics.

This made many assume that the liberal government was going to take over with a strategy that is open with information sharing, including negative findings on its government. That is the only way to judge the part’s fulfillment of its promises on openness. However, this openness have also been found to be missing from Trudeau’s government.

When elected in 2015, the Trudeau government’s promises bordered on delivering change to the nation. Some of the key issues he promised to change are the relationship with Canada's aboriginal communities, policies to help reduce climate change, hope about the future, the immigration system, the opportunities for young people to find good jobs, our economy, your access to quality of healthcare services, Canada's finances, the level of tax you pay, hope about the future. However, Ipsospoll reports that “the poll finds priorities impacting Canadians daily lives such as the work commute, taxation levels, and overall affordability are not getting any better. While the Trudeau government has tackled other hot topics, the issues that are impacting the average Canadian are perceived to be untouched.”

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