Help cure Uterine Fibroids with Natural Home Remedies

Uterine fibroids are benign growths in the uterus that affect 50 percent of adult women. Although the name fibroid leads us to believe these growths are made up fibrous substance, they are actually growths of smooth muscle like material and connective tissue attached either inside the uterus and in some cases on the outer wall.

With fibroids cases, some women will not experience any symptoms, while other may experience mild to severe symptoms. Before discussing the home fibroids treatment options, we must first learn what the symptoms and causes of fibroids are.

Most Common Symptoms

- Longer than normal menstrual cycle often accompanied with heavy bleeding (if bleeding requires the changing of a tampon or pad more than once an hour, a physician should be consulted as soon as possible.)

- Spotting, bleeding, or unusual discharge between menstrual cycles

- Bleeding and pain during sexual intercourse

- Anemia

- Lower abdomen appears swollen

- Frequent urination

- Abdominal or back pain

- Frequent constipation

Common causes of Fibroids

Most causes of fibroids are from high levels of estrogen combined with low levels of progesterone which is often a result of:
- Environmental estrogens

- Obesity

- Inactive thyroid

- Dysfunction in the ovaries

- Pre-menopause

- Low-fiber diet or a high-fiber diet

Natural remedies for fibroids

Diet is very important in the treatment of fibroids, as well as for your overall health. Eat certified organic foods whenever possible to limit the estrogenic effects found in herbicides, pesticides, and meats loaded with hormones.

- Try to base your diet around fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, beans, whole grains, and soy products. All these foods contain phytochemical indole-3-carbinol, which assists the liver’s detoxification of estrogen. Limit your exposure to pesticides by washing your products thoroughly whether they are organic of not.

- Flaxseeds and soy products are a great source of phytoestrogens, which regulates the estrogen production in the body.

- Vitamin K encourages the body’s ability to clot blood and reduces the risk of heavy blood flow during menstrual cycles. Green vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin K.

- Kelp and other sea vegetables are high in iodine, which is necessary for maintaining a healthy thyroid.

- If you are experiencing prolonged menstrual cycles or heavy bleeding, try taking a spoonful of un-sulfured black strap molasses each day. This will provide extra iron to prevent anemia.

- Organic cultured yogurt will increase the levels of friendly flora in your large intestine.

- Drinking green tea each day will also support detoxification.

- Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help flush toxin and other impurities from the body.

- Avoid red meat and dairy products; they contain high levels of dioxin, known to act like environmental estrogens.

- Sugar, caffeine, and alcohol should also be avoided; they can cause more pain due to their inflammatory effects.

Herbal remedies provide many benefits including the balancing of hormonal levels, reducing inflammation, and restricting the tumor growth.

- Chaste tree decreases the production of estrogen.

- Licorice lowers the blood pressure and eliminates water retention.

- Echinacea promotes healing and reduces inflammation.

- Motherwort is a natural relaxant that can ease the cramping and spasms accompanied with fibroid tumors.

These were only some natural remedies for fibroids. There is an excellent system available online that has helped thousands of women all over the world to eliminate their uterine fibroids.

The system is called Fibroids Miracle and it is written by nutrition specialist, health consultant, and medical researcher Amanda Leto. To get more information about the program just click the link below.

Cure Uterine Fibroids Naturally

Please note: We always suggest to readers that they should consult their doctor, before explording alternative treatments.


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