Keep youthful with anti-aging foods

Learning to eat to improve you health, to feel, and look younger is quite easy if you learn a few of the important anti aging foods.

Even more importantly, you'll discover these foods are delicious, and a pleasure to eat. Here are 7 of the best anti aging foods you should include in your diet.

1. Black and dark blue colored berries are an excellent source of antioxidants called flavonoids. These antioxidants can aid in producing stronger cells, which are more resistant to aging and disease.

Adding blackberries, blueberries, dark colored grapes, and other dark berries to your diet is an excellent start in your anti aging foods selection.

2. Fresh deep ocean fish, which are high in Omega 3 fatty acids can also give you great benefits. The Omega 3 has been shown to help reduce cholesterol, and other unhealthy fats in your blood.

Two of the most available, and delicious fish in the category are tuna and salmon. Frozen fish is fine, but avoid pre-cooked, and especially canned varieties of the fish. The freshest options available will give you the greatest benefits.

3. While its smell can sometimes be strong, the benefits to your health are equally strong with garlic. Garlic is recognized as one of the best anti aging foods due to its remarkable ability to aid in cardiovascular health.

Garlic can help in reducing cholesterol, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and even is effective in thinning the blood.

4. Your grandmother told you, your mother told you, and now science is telling you. Eat your spinach, broccoli, and other dark green vegetables.

These dark green vegetables are filled with vitamins, and other key nutrients which help in reducing cancer risk, increase heart health, and improve all aspects of your life.

5. Ginger is the next of our anti aging foods. Ginger has been used throughout the centuries to treat many different physical conditions.

Ginger aids in circulatory and digestive health. Many people also report it helps give them relief from aches and pains in their joints. Ginger can be consumed in various dishes, but also makes a delightful tea.

6. Add avocados to your list of great anti aging foods. Avocados are filled with great cholesterol fighting fats to help keep your body's circulatory system clean and ready for many more years of action.

7. To round out our list of anti aging foods, you need something to drink. I'll let you choose. Water is the most essential beverage on the planet. It is the lubricant, and basis for every function in our body. Make sure you drink plenty water everyday.

Green tea is an excellent choice of beverage, being high in antioxidants, and pleasing to the taste buds.

If you just can't resist a touch of alcohol, make sure it is a glass of red wine with supper. Red wine has been shown to help reduce the risks of heart attacks, and other circulatory diseases.

Adding anti aging foods to your diet, and getting the proper nutrition is one of the best ways to maintain your health and your youth. Take time to plan out your menus to include plenty of these nutritious, and delicious foods.

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