Healthy Living can save Money

It is my pleasure to share with you tips for getting healthy that can save you money too. Frankly, there has never been a more opportune time to take charge of your health because three of its greatest fringe benefits include boosting productivity, reducing stress levels, and reducing healthcare costs – all particularly relevant and valuable in these tough economic times.

My best advice follows…

Get fit. Fitness is free if you want it to be and regular physical activity remains the single most powerful means to protect broad spectrum health.  It is the closest thing we have to the “magic bullet” on the disease prevention and vitality front.  Brisk walking is cheap and perhaps one of the most beneficial types of physical activity

Make water your beverage of choice. Water has zero calories, costs just a fraction of a cent from the tap (which is what most bottle waters are) and is the healthiest beverage for the human body. Sodas, fruit drinks, sports drinks, etc., cost money, have zero nutritionally redeeming value and predispose to weight gain, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Control your portions! This can certainly trim your grocery bill and your restaurant bill and recent scientific evidence finds that consistently controlling portions is the fastest direct route to weight loss.

Prepare your own food. It is cheaper, often quicker, and healthier. People who dine out eat more calories, saturated fat, sugar, and sodium and spend more money. For a family of 4, eating in even one more time a week can save one-hundred dollars or more a month.

Buy locally grown produce. It is better for the environment, fresher, tastier, higher in nutrients, and cheaper. Recognize that 2/3’s of produce are cheaper in fresh versus frozen form.

Buy produce in bulk. You can save up to 40% by buying large bags of apples or oranges versus purchasing them individually.

Buy staples in volume. There is always better “value in volume” – Example: 1) A large container of whole oats has 30 servings and costs the same as 10 single serving packets; 2) You can get 12 servings of black beans per bag in dry form versus 3 servings in the can for the same price.

For everything you need to know about nutrition and healthy eating, buy my Eat Right for Life! CD.


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