Organic Coconut Oil Lowers Cholesterol

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Coconut oil and saturated fat have been implicated for many decades as a cause of increased cholesterol levels. People often ask if coconut oil with increase their cholesterol levels. Studies since 1997 now show that coconut oil actually increases good HDL cholesterol to reduce inflammation, heart disease, and viral attacks. Testing has become more sophisticated researchers look at the balance of LDL and HDL cholesterol. More than 60% of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. The majority of people with high cholesterol levels never have heart attacks. As we age cholesterol which is an antioxidant to protect against cellular degeneration, increases to protect us. Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, MD, Ph.D. (author of The Cholesterol Myths); Dr. Malcom Kendrick, Dm, Dr, Mary Enig, Ph.D. author of Eat Fat to Loose Fat, 2003) Dr. George Mann, MD, Sc.D. who studied the meat eating Masai in Kenya in the 1950’s; and many other top researchers have written extensively on the flaws of the “high Cholesterol causing heart disease” theory.

In an article published in the Indian Coconut Journal, September 1995, Mary Enig, PhD. stated, “The problems for coconut oil started four decades ago when researchers fed test animals hydrogenated coconut oil that was purposely altered to make it completely devoid of any essential fatty acids. The animals naturally became deficient of essential fatty acids and blood serum cholesterol increased. The same effect has held true of hydrogenated cottonseed, soybean or corn oils. Hydrogenation causes Trans fatty acids that increase LDL cholesterol and atherosclerosis.”

Research now shows that cholesterol levels in food have only a minor impact or no effect on blood cholesterol levels. A study published in 1973 in the Journal Nutrition reported that long–term feeding of the medium-chain triglycerides (MCT’s) at fairly high doses was able to reduce cholesterol levels. Coconut oil is nature’s richest sources of MCT’s, which increase metabolic rate for increased weight loss four times faster.

The lipid theory as a cause of heart disease has been rejected by many researchers, including those on the Advisory Board of the Holistic Cooking Academy. The cause of a rapid rise of heart disease in North America is now attributed to three major problems. A Homocysteine level, which is one indicator of the most dangerous risks for heart disease, increases the possibility of a heart attack by 300%. Homocysteine, created by pale, processed foods and polyunsaturated vegetable oils, will injure the delicate tissues of artery walls. Plaque forms at the site of the injury as the body attempts to heal the damage. One of the major solutions is to reduce homocysteines with increased folic acid, B6 and B12 and Vitamin C.

The second consideration is an underactive thyroid can also be the root of this problem. “When the thyroid gland malfunctions, absorption of the B vitamins is inhibited, causing homocysteine levels to rise.” Broda Barnes, MD, Solved, The Riddle of Heart Attacks, 1976; finally validated by the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001.

The third most prevalent problem is that significant agricultural changes since 1940 have created alarming mineral deficiencies in our food supply. One of the missing minerals is iodine, which is essential to thyroid health. This mineral is naturally available in sea foods and kelp powder mixed with in equal portion with ocean salt to use daily in everything, as well as a drop a day in liquid form to boost a sluggish thyroid known to occur in an estimated 25% of women. (Lorna Vanderhaeghe, BSc., 2003.)

From the Holistic Cooking Academy of Canada Inc.

About the writer:

Lori Nichols Davies is currently the CEO of Holistic Cooking Academy of Canada based in Carleton Place, Ontario.

Ms. Davies is a Canadian pioneer in research and education for Applied Nutrition. Lori is a passionate writer, a teacher, and an exciting guest speaker at conferences, and on radio and TV, and a political activist.

She has trained over 2,000 home chefs since 1998 in Ottawa, has four Alumni members in the Capital Region, and twenty-one holistic cooking instructors in training across Canada and the United States. The holistic cooking programs are designed to prevent disease. She has collected a team of multiple disciplinary health professionals to assist the public to get well and stay well. Have a look at the members of the Advisory Board.

Ms Davies began her professional career as a nutrition consultant in Toronto in 1972 - long before any formal schools were formed in holistic nutrition. The first three of nine schools today were formalized in 1994-1996. In 1972, when she was hired by Lionel Pasen as a his right hand serving as a Food and Health Consultant coddled by the Canadian Health Food Industry, she managed one store and then four stores as a General Manager in short order.

Ms. Davies not only hired staff but also trained them based on personal studies and exposure to research scientists at special health conferences. Through her employer, who is still co-owner of Thuna's on Danforth, Canada's oldest herbal store, she became active in the Canadian Consumers Health Organization to defend it from Big Pharma. (Mr. Pason is now President of Natural Products Consulting Corp and spokesperson representing the health food companies with a very reasonable voice to Health Canada.)


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