What holistic health approach is not?

With many side effects and complications arising out of mainstream medical treatments, more and more people are exploring alternative or holistic medical systems. While it is important to know about the holistic health approach, it is more important to know about what holistic health approach is not about. This is for the simple reason that people often get misguided by people who are self-centered and make them believe in something that is not true for selfish gains. Knowing what holistic health is not helps in evaluating the stability and ability of the system.

We have heard many stories of people claiming to cure the diseases like cancer, AIDS and taking innocent people for a ride under the guise of holistic health approach. Alternative medicine is the oldest form of health approach which aims at curing the diseases through natural remedies. Getting best results involves both the medical practitioner and the patient. The role of Medical Practitioners is that they should have the sole aim of curing the patient and the patient should have complete faith in the system. Holistic health approach which is age old and has a scientific base and works on the principle “All suffering that afflicts the mind or the body has ignorance for its cause, and all happiness has its basis in clear, scientific knowledge,” says Charaka.

According to Swami Rama, all living beings have the innate ability to regain health and live a healthy live which is natural, which he has explained in his book “A practical Guide to Holistic Health”. According to him, holistic health stimulates this ability of the body to regain health through natural means. Holistic health has a systematic method of achieving it and it does not give any miracle cures within no time as claimed by some quacks. People should know the difference between holistic health approach and quacks who are just misusing the holistic health approach to exploit innocent people. Only then the holistic approach gets its right place and can serve people properly.


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