Health: How to protect yourself against stomach ulcers

(NC) – Did you know that a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of 60 to 80 per cent of gastric ulcers, and of 80 per cent to 85 per cent of duodenal ulcers? The duodenum is the upper end of the small intestine.

Normally, a layer of mucous protects the stomach and the intestine from the acidity of the gastric juice, a liquid secreted by the stomach glands during digestion. Helicobacter pylori weakens this protective layer by penetrating the mucus lining and creating open sores, or ulcers, in the gastrointestinal tract.

In industrialized countries, close to 20 per cent of people aged 40 and under are infected with this bacterium, and if affects close to 50 per cent of people over the age of 60. Studies show that 20 per cent of these people will develop an ulcer during their lifetime.

Clinical studies have shown that probiotics can be useful in treating infections caused by Helicobacter pylori. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to eliminate Helicobacter pylori, but unfortunately, the success rate is only 74.8 per cent. When a multi-strain probiotic supplement, such as Probaclac, is added, the treatment's efficiency increases to 83.6 per cent.

The fact that antibiotics cause several side effects is important to mention. These adverse effects, experienced by 38.5 per cent of patients treated, are: diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea and taste changes. When a multi-strain probiotic supplement is given along with the antibiotics, side effects are reduced and reported by only 24.7 per cent of patients.

Jolicoeur recommends Probaclac as the ideal solution since it provides probiotic complexes that are designed specifically for every age group: children up to the age of 15; adults (can be taken from the age of 15); and older adults (age 50 and up).

“Adding a multi-strain probiotic supplement to the medication given to treat ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori significantly increases its efficiency and tolerance,” she said. More information and advice on probiotics is available at


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