5 Things That Working Parents Should Start Outsourcing Right Now

Feel busy? Aren't sure how to get ahead, or even how to keep your head above water? Has it been so long since you have had a vacation that you don't even know where you keep your swimsuit, or if it still fits? A poll headed by NPR found that about half of Americans who work 50-plus hours a week do not take all or most of the vacation they have earned. Sound eerily familiar?

Here are 5 things you can and should start outsourcing that can drastically improve the pace of your day and the quality of your life.

1. Help with your teen's homework.

Your day needn't end sitting beside a moody teen trying to re-remember high school algebra. You don't need the additional strain this could place on your relationship with your teen. And your teen needs actual homework help to grasp these concepts. Put the idea of expensive private tutoring out of your mind. Today, you can hire a math tutor online at an affordable price and provide your teen with the one-on-one focus they need. Say goodbye to frustrating homework sessions with your teen and use that time to destress, which will benefit all in the family.

2. Help with home-cooked meals.

Do both you and your partner work full time, and you find yourselves eating out more often than not? Restaurant meals are packed with sodium and have higher fat levels than home-cooked meals. Added to that, the cost of eating out seems to continually be on the rise, with no sign of a downward trend. Perhaps you know eating out isn't good long-term, but your options seem slim? What are working parents to do? Hire a meal planner or a personal chef. Your personal chef will come to your house, cook in your kitchen, and prepare your family's dinner so that you get the healthy food that you deserve. All at a lower cost than your weekly eating-out bill.

3. Help with your finances.

Individuals who have multiple streams of income and complicated expenses know the stress of tax season. Why not hire an accountant? A CPA can do everything from managing your taxes, to helping with your budgeting needs, as well as advising you on deductibles. No more struggling to understand last month's receipts and which column each expense should be listed in. This could be the smartest decision you make and will go far to alleviate your money-related worries.

4. Help with personal errands.

Need to wait in line somewhere? Or call your phone company? Pick up your dry cleaning, or take something to the tailor? All these little tasks that pile up can be done by either a personal assistant or others you hire for each task. From picking up flowers for Mother's Day to going through the red tape of some company's customer service phone line. Various apps make getting chore help a breeze. No more nagging your significant other to help more with household chores, outsource instead. Again, you’re spending money to save time as well as keep your interactions with your significant other from going sour.

5. Help with getting fit.

Does it feel like pulling teeth to get yourself to exercise? Perhaps everything you have tried hasn't "stuck". There's one way you can outsource this aspect of your life. While you will still have to put in the work, we bet it will be more effective than reading yet another article with 10,000 fantastic ways to get in shape. Here’s the solution: Hire a personal trainer who will see to it that you follow through on your exercise goals. Some of us need this close accountability when it comes to exercise. There is no shame in it. In fact, it could be what you need to cultivate a daily exercise habit and stick with it this time around.


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