Ottawa's newest music venue -- Pressed

The unlikely music venue that brought you several solid weeks of experimental music over the spring is now teaming up with Ottawa’s favourite record label to deliver even more to their sandwich-eating and Kichesippi-sipping customers. Pressed Gourmet Sandwich Bar will soon be hosting Kelp-curated music shows, adding another smaller venue to Ottawa’s indie music scene. The plan is to book shows mainly on Thursday through Saturday, starting once the dinner crowd is done with their pulled pork or smoked brisket.

Jeff Stewart from Pressed says he was always interested in the possilibities that the shop held as a music venue and recent experience with the Experimental Music Nights seems to have been a tipping point. ”That brought a lot of people in that saw the venue and realised that it’s a good sized venue for a certain type of show,” said Jeff. Kelp approached him looking to collaborate and Jeff was thrilled.

“They tend to combine food and culture with music,” said Jeff, adding that he felt a kinship with the mission of Kelp that helped seal the deal.

From their perspective, Kelp is looking to build another great small venue, much like Raw Sugar has done on Somerset. “I think we’re short on venues in general,” said Jon Bartlett from Kelp. They are hoping that adding music to the mix at Pressed will be good for the neighbourhood. It’s personal for the folks at Kelp. They live in the neighbourhood, just a few blocks from Pressed.

Officially, they are booking shows after September 1st, but they already have a few nights planned including July 14 with Feral Children, Mannequin and Zombifyus ($8 cover); July 31 with Calvin Johnson, Katie & the Lichen ($8 in advance or $10 at the door); and August 9 with Marine Dreams,  Baby Eagle, the Proud Mothers and Nick Ferrio & his Feelings ($6 in advance or $8 at the door). These shows all start at 8pm and are all ages.

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