Relationships: Avoid second date pitfalls

In the quest for “your” gal or guy, the second date is a promising sign. For the one who has been going on date after date, the infamous second date shows things are starting to look up. This is a clear sign there must not have been any red flags on the first date. Now it is time to take a deep breath and maximize the opportunity at a chance to create a successful relationship.

The second date could lead someone into a dangerous scenario. Why? The one who is looking for a relationship will generally jump the gun and put their foot on the pedal. Hold on, the romance might not be on just yet. For on thing, after only one date, one is still getting warmed up. Do not over think things.

The truth of the matter is, a second date is really a “second first date.” Always approach a second date as the first date with slight upgrades and kinks worked out. For instance, the awkwardness is over. The question of compatibility on a basic level is not an issue. But not too fast, a second date is still too soon to think relationship. On the second date, here are two things to remember.

Do not share personal information too soon. The quickest way to derail the chances of a relationship is to let the conversation wander to the “personal” zone. But remember: there has not been enough time to tell if he or she is trustworthy. Save some for later. The second date is not time to play truth or dare. One sure way to avoid over sharing is to decide everything to share or discuss before the date.

Know how to handle mutual chemistry. Physical attraction and sexual energy could possibly show up when someone least expects it. Whether a person is ready or not, the key to handle strong chemistry is to avoid “your” ignition switch. Too much physical contact on the second date will create confusion at a time when “you” need clarity.

To make sure a second date lead to more dates, slow down and enjoy the new unfolding relationship...

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