Homosexuality has risen to the Occasion

Exodus International, a Christian Ministry who led the ex-gay movement is closing their doors after 37 years of service. Founded in 1976, this association seek to deploy a world-wide cure to overcome abnormal sexual preferences and desires.

Exodus international is the oldest and largest Christian ministry with approximately 200 branches of churches and counsellors in the United States and Canada. Through prayers and intensive therapy, their mission was to give a new life to those who ''suffered'' from homosexuality.

''The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality. It's holiness,'' mentions Chambers to a source of the stranger.

In contradiction, the past years has brought many questions which formally lead to an unanimous vote to withdraw their services from America. The official closure was announced in the past week, but not without a sincere apology from Allan Chambers, the former chairman.

''I am sorry for the pain and hurt many of you have experienced. I am sorry that some spent years working throught shame and guilt you felt when your attraction didn't change, '' Chamber said to a NY Times journalist.

The ceremony was incredibly heartfelt and rose immediate awareness to the struggles and difficulties the LGBT members faced on an every day basis.

Late Wednesday night, Alan made another a revelation that struck many members of the audience. Alan, a husband and also a father of two children, openly admittted '' his omition of his on-going same sex-attraction'' in the last few years.His fear of being profoundly different and his confusion lead him to conveniently hide his true identity behind close walls. Battling against homosexuals for several years made him recognize that he no longer needed to hide, but could ideally conform and be accepted with the ones of his own.

"It is strange to be someone who has both been hurt by the churchs treatment or the LGBTQ community, and also be someone who must apologize for being of the very system of ignorance that perpetuated that hurt, '' disclosed a CNN reporter after speaking with Chambers.

Now Mr. Chambers has accepted his underlying desires'' as part of his life that will like always be there.''

Mr.Chambers became the leader of Exodus International in 2001 and was greatly involved in the promotion and regulations to enable same-sex marriages. He testified against the rights of homosexuals at several occasions ad debated the on-going issues at conferences, churches and colleges.  

Consequently, his actions raised several concerns and issues in the LBGT community. The number of victims remain unknown to this day but without doubt, hundreds have suffered whether psychologically or financially  from Chamber's influence. Several teenagers faced aggravated shame, depression symptons and begun an unfortunate journey along with occasionnal drug abuse. Others we're abused and lived with a profound sense of confusion within the instuition, instead of becoming whole once again.

''Instead, many of our clients began to fall apart - sinking deeped into patters of guilt, anxiety and self loating. The answers from the church leaders made the pain even worst.''

''You're not enough. You're not trying hard enough. You don't have enough faith", states a former executive member , Michael Bussé on his blog.

Some dropped out while others continued and persisted in this horrible journey. One young man killed himself deliberately by crashing his vehicule in a tree while others seeked to get ''punished'' by heterosexuals.

Exodus, which promoted the benefits of heterosexuality through the hands of Jesus Christ has apprehended their loss and will no longer be pursuing their quest to elimiate homosexuality.

''I will no longer support the ex-gay movement or efforts to attempts to change inndividuals, espacially teens who already feel insecure and alienated. I feel great sorrow over the pain that has been caused when my words were miscoustrued,'' wrote Chambers on his Facebook status.

Unforunately, some things will remain the same.

'' I cannot apologize for my deeply held biblical beliefs about the boundariesI see in scripture surrounding sex but i will excercise my beliefs with great care and respect those who do not share them,'' states Chambers on the CNN News.

Nevertheless, change is occuring and small steps are being taken to forn an equality between gays and heterosexuals.

'' Mine was not a change of heart, but it had been a change of how we talk about what we have in our hearts',' Chambers told Reuters, a CBC representative.

In fact, Chambers came to the harsh realization that his program had tremendously hurt others surrounding him. Alan Chambers and the rest of the crew changed their course over the past year and admitted that reparative therapy could hurt gays in ways they did not envisaged previously and no cure was existent to truly help a change in sexual attraction.

''There were some real changes - but not one of the hundreds of people we counseled became straight ... As one current Exodus leader, we were just Christians with homosexuals tendencies who would rather not have those tendencies. By calling ourselves ex-gay, we were lying to ourselves and to others. We were hurting people.'' Michal Bussé stated in his recent apology.

Evan Hurst, the director of Truth Wins Out, applauded Mr.Chamber's speech and course of action in the past few months.

'' It takes a real man to publicly confront the people who lives were destroyed by his organization's work, and to take real, concrete action to repair the damage,'' said Hurst to Scott Newman.

This event scrambled the current legislation and opinions upon sexuality all around the world. In April, New Zealand became the 13th country to favor gay marriages and to promote their rights within their country. As early as last week, Lisa Markauski became the 3rd Republican Senator to publicly endorse the gay's rights and to take her own course of action. As of June 2013, 12 states has legalized homosexuals marriages and much more is to come in the next few months.

"God is calling us to be the Father -- to welcome everyone, to love unhindered."

Photo Credit to ABC News


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