Casual Sex: The Top Rules to Know

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There are some simple rules to help keep you out of trouble when it comes to having casual sex.  They are some basic ground rules that will help you understand the separation of sex and emotion and why it can be important not only in a casual situation but in a relationship as well.

The Rules

Have sex with someone you find insanely, physically attractive.  The more involved your privates are the less you’ll be thinking with your brain and… you want to fuck someone hot.

Don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation. Be aware of where you are, where you are going and who is going with you.  Don’t go home with strangers.  I typically go a few dates with the guy first.

If you have casual sex with someone, leave or make them leave immediately after.  Don’t go out to breakfast.  Just get your stuff and leave.

If you have sex with someone you know be clear with yourself and with him about what is happening.

If you think that someone has feelings for you don’t sleep with them.  This is mean and a recipe for disaster or a stalker.

For fuck’s sake, always use protection!  I know for most of us this goes without saying but I know women who think that if they can’t get pregnant then raw dogging it is okay.  If you are having sex with someone use a fucking condom.  Pregnancy isn’t the only thing you have to worry about.

If you have a crush on or have ever had a crush on your partner then that isn’t exactly casual.  You have motive and just sleeping with the object of your affection will ensure the best that will come from it is a fuck buddy situation and resentment on your part.

If you have decided to have sex with your friend and you start planning your wedding, anniversary or thinking about what your children might look like… it is time to stop or tell your partner that your feelings have changed.  Obviously you view this as some sort of relationship and if you don’t say something it will bite you in the ass.

If you know you are going to judge yourself for acting impulsively then save yourself the time and energy.  Don’t hate yourself.  Casual sex isn’t for everyone.

So in summation, feel whatever you feel in the moment but when the moment passes so does the feeling.  Be careful.  Enjoy the experience for what it as and be honest about what expectations you have.  Make sure you are doing this to for yourself and you aren’t hurting anyone.  Get it? Got it? Good!

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