UFO · Exopolitics 1770 Views by Paul Chen

Solar System artificial and Extraterrestrial in design suggests U.S. scholar’s research

Numerous pieces of evidence affirm that alien spacecraft in the form of so-called "Unidentified Flying Objects" or UFOs have visited Earth, and continue to visit Earth. These include many accounts of alien abductions by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. Yet, most people, when confronted with such reports, dismiss them, as the rantings of lunatics. These people then pursue their day-to-day "business of living", without critically considering evidence of invasive alien visitations to our planet Earth.

The very possibility that Manipulative Extraterrestrials may, in fact, be socially engineering the plight of humanity reported in the mass-media and on the internet, does not cross the mind of such people. This plight of humanity includes poverty, homelessness and other social injustice, violent crime, genocide, environmental destruction, racisms, and perpetrated wars.

By arguably the great majority of most people, at least in Western Civilization (and Westernized parts of the Globe), why is there an automatic "disbelief" about any reports of Extraterrestrial visitations on Earth? Meanwhile, the more substantive question, does not pivot on whether or not to have "belief" in the existence of Extraterrestrial visitations.

From a scientific standpoint, the pivotal question on Extraterrestrial reality is what exists. Indeed, whether one chooses to believe in it or not, there is numerous documented evidence and accounts by credible witnesses and contactees. A "belief system", aside from operating as a substitution for the pursuit of critical knowledge, can also be viewed to arise from an expectation context. For example, if you grew up in the Arctic Circle, without having seen a black or grey/brown-coloured bear, without having access to media like television, you might "believe" or expect that all bears are white, like polar bears. Alex Collier, a celebrity contactee of alleged Ethical Extraterrestrials, provides corresponding insight on why there exists "human disbelief" of UFOs.

According to Alex Collier, Manipulative Extraterrestrials were brought into contact with Earthbound humans, by an apparently tiny clique power hungry humans, who were apparently dissatisfied by the Earthly paradise outside of their control, that humans had created. Through technology this clique of humans caused a breach in the time-space continuum which allowed Manipulative Extraterrestrials to enter our universe. As a result, according to Alex Collier, all of human history was changed.

According to Pagan Gnostics insights research by Dr. John Lash, this Solar System is a manifestation of an alien design and an “altered reality” as a result of human contact with lower dimensional parasitic, mechanical, and manipulative Extraterrestrials.

Pagan Gnostics suggests that this solar system that is beyond Earth are planetary and planetoid realms of “archons”.

Dr. Michael Salla and Alex Collier who is an alleged contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials -- suggest that Earth’s biosphere has been “captured” into an “artificially created solar system” which is ruled by the “Demiurge” -- the “demon god” that the archons worship -- and also suggest that Earthbound humans have been severed away from “many billions of other humans” that reside in a parallel organic universe.

In the reported view of the Pagan Gnostic, this solar system is a sophisticated “virtual reality” copy of where humans originated from, before they were “trapped” into an alien-controlled “solar system”, where Earth is orbited by a “hollowed-out” alien moon.


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