Was Technology, War and Religion uploaded into human consciousness as von Däniken suggests?

Investigative researchers on Extraterrestrials, which include Erich Anton Paul von Däniken, suggests that Manipulative Extraterrestrials performed 'great feats' in order to be worshipped as 'gods'. The reported next step was to provide technology to these Earth humans so that these humans could create impressive looking "rich" structures of religious worship, laid with gold and other mined mineral resources, of religious worship to these extraterrestrial 'gods'. This corrupting of human spirituality, would further dysfunctionally inspire crass materialism. This apparent influence is shown in structures which include the Great Pyramids, Temples, and into other religious structures which include Churches. Dr. Salla's and other exo-scientific work, further attests to this milieu.

These religious structures became centres in the creation of competing rituals and dogma between different "E.T. cult" groups. As these religious structures became of increasing importance as centres of communities, bigotries in turn, were cultivated by the elite emissaries of the manipulative "Extraterrestrial gods" and were used to successfully pit one group of humanity against the other.

According to collaborative exo-scientific research, led by Dr. Salla, alleged manipulative E.T. groups provided Earth Humans with advanced technology, to further instil an agenda of control against willing Earth elites, who were indoctrinated by these "gods". The creation of technology would also be used to inspire the creation of weapons of war, in which wars would be waged in the name of defending "religious" systems, in turn guided by Extraterrestrial "gods" who sought to "divide and rule". The manipulative Extraterrestrials sought to create false gods in their own image.

"The purpose of these "false gods" was to repress the development of a collective consciousness among Earth Humans, based upon the founding universal conventions." Also according to the collaborative research of exo-scientists, "the purpose of the creation of systems of religious dogma was designed to instil petty hatreds and antagonisms that would repress "the conventions of peace, love, and wisdom, (which was attributed to the creation of our universe), and which would have otherwise protected Earth Humans from being exploited, as a genetic and overall planetary resource."

Some of these Extraterrestrials, which apparently included Human Extraterrestrials who rebelled against the communal spirituality and "free will" ethic of original Human Extraterrestrials who had "seeded" Earth, reportedly simply sought to exploit the Earth for its mineral resources. According to the exo-scientific research findings of Dr. Salla, "Other rebelling materialistic-oriented working groups of Human and other E.T., viewed Earth Humans to be useful specimens to be incorporated in genetic experimentation programs."

Apparently, socially conscientious Extraterrestrials, according to the collaborative research findings of Dr. Salla and exo-scientists "fearing the implications to manipulative Extraterrestrials genetically influencing Earth humans into becoming barbarians like Genghis Khan or Adolf Hilter, sought to "seed" "star children"." These "star children" were "seeded" into humanity without the apparent knowledge of the Earth humans they came into contact with, to help, in the apparent view of Extraterrestrials to "elevate and inspire the socially creative potentials of humanity."

Notwithstanding this, 'ethical Extraterrestrials' according to representation by contactees, abide by strict "Galactic community" directives of non-interference on Earth, including the non-execution of "genetic experiments". However, Exo-scientists indicate that the "crop circles" phenomena is a notable example of mostly "ethical Andromedans" seeking to inspire humanity in the form of crop circle messages.

Modern Earth Human DNA therefore reportedly has the genetic memories which are associated with origins of Humanity in the universe as part of a diaspora of "over 130 billion human beings", and a subsequent millennia of uncoerced biological contact, and also the coerced biological experimentation with a mix of Extraterrestrials. These are some of the understandings at which one arrives, as a result of the pioneering work of some diligent researchers. These researches notably includes Francis Crick.


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