Life has been on Mars some researchers suggest

After Viking 1 Orbiter flew past Mars on July 31, 1976 at an altitude of about 2,057 kilometres, taking pictures of the surface, some new and interesting data suddenly appeared in a photograph released and described by NASA only as "the northern latitudes of Mars."

NASA Photographs showed a huge rock formation that looked like a face. This 'formation' has been measured "as one mile across." However, NASA, claims that it is an illusion caused by the angle of the sun.

To the left of the photo are two rock formations which appear to be pyramid-like in shape. They are clearly throwing out triangular shadows. Additionally, parallel lines, looking like perfectly straight runways or roads appear in the upper let hand portion on the photo.

According to Jim Safran of Lunar Photos in Van Nuys, California, these markings appear in quite a few of the Viking Mars photos. Oddly, these artificial-looking markings have been cropped out of photos appearing in Omni magazine (and other mass-media and are not mentioned.

But two computer scientists who work for Computer Science Echnicolor Associates, of Seabrook, Maryland, contract workers for NASA, noticed the photos, and decided to analyze them. The scientists, Vincent DiPietro and Greg Molenaar concluded that the face in the photos, taken of the Elysian Plains, would "appear to have been carved, and have not been formed by nature," as there is no surrounding sediment that could have resulted from natural erosion.

Additionally, they concluded that the face was truly symmetrical, having two halves, each containing an "eye," a "cheek" and continuation of the "mouth." They even discovered what resembles an eyewall with a visible pupil in the eye socket!

Former NASA consultant, Richard Hoagland and other dissident scientists turned their attentions to the pyramid features to the left of the face, and to the grid-like markings like the plan of a city in the shadows of the upper pyramid. Mr. Hoagland also spotted a series of right angles contributing to an overall impression of a main avenue leading toward the face.

Mr. Hoagland, was also the recipient of the Angstrom Medal for Excellence in Science in Stockholm, Sweden, a colleague of Carl Sagan, and a former science adviser to CBS News and Walter Cronkite.

Hoagland discovered that this "avenue" seems to be aligned with the face, which runs along a northeast-southwest axis with the Martian poles.

A sentient being from Mars standing in the centre of the "city," gazing east over the face, would be sighting along a solstice alignment; that is, seeing the sun rise directly over the face on the longest day of the Martian year. Mr. Hoagland surmised that for 50,000 years, the first summer sun of the year would have risen above the face.

As the planet tilted with time, the alignment of the solstice viewing would have passed right through the top of the pyramid.

The honeycomb-like walls in the shadow of the pyramid cast shadows. The grid spacing suspiciously resembles that of real city streets, and the layout is aligned toward the winter solstice sunrise.

An architect friend of Mr. Hoagland's calculated the buildings were originally oriented in a manner to best use the scant winter warmth of the shortest day of the Martian year.

According to author Robert C. Kiviat , "NASA's planetary scientists have maintained over the years that the face is a natural rock formation produced by wind erosion and that the particular lighting angle at which it was photographed created its resemblance to a human face."

However, as far as Mr. Hoagland is concerned, NASA is not trustworthy on anything because of a study produced by the Washington, D.C., think tank The Brookings Institute in 1963, before the Viking expedition. This report, known as The Brookings Report, asserts that the government should hide evidence of life on other planets -- if it finds any -- to avoid religious and overall "societal breakdown". Assuming that this report was made a part of internal NASA policy, Mr. Hoagland now dedicates himself to searching for any and all possible manipulations of NASA images and information. "The people of this country pay good money for this research, and they should get what they pay for," says Hoagland. "The pattern of deception would only exist if there was something there."

Mr. Hoagland compares the Martian Face to 'similar faces... constructed in civilizations on Earth.

Some researchers have alleged that the Martian Face was constructed by the survivors of an interplanetary war that left the surface of Mars (and the Moon) pockmarked and ravaged.

Commenting on the proximity of the Face and the "D & M" Pyramid, American researcher Richard Hoagland asks a pointed question: 'What are the odds against two terrestrial-like monuments on such an alien planet and in essentially the same location?

Since extensive damage typical of explosive penetration is apparent on some of the structures, notably the "D & M" Pyramid, more than one researcher has suggested that the sentient beings from Mars might have destroyed their civilization on the surface of their planet in a suicidal war. A geological cataclysm is another possibility.

The Martian Face, as the remnant of a destroyed civilization on the Martian surface, could very well be a repressed "wake up call" to humanity. Indeed, humanity under American-led global capitalism, is on the brink of its own course of self-destruction associated with "Wars for Oil", genocide, and apparent intentional course of "Global Warming".


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