Extraterrestrials: Fukushima makes UFO disclosure irrelevant

David Icke suggests that Manipulative Extraterrestrials who have infiltrated human institutions are behind Fukushima's nuclear disaster. Ha, ha.. may sounds kinda funny to you.. but you may wish to consider this... Radiation is dangerous to all humans and biological life on this planet. If you accept the basic premise, it would not be in the interest of any humans to allow a radioactive geyser to continue to get worse and worse.

Therefore, it does not take “rocket science” to confirm the allegation make by both Micheal Salla, David Icke and Dr. John Lash that Manipulative Extraterrestrials are operating on Earth in pursuit of a regressive alien agenda. The Extraterrestrial hypothesis is no longer a “conspiracy theory”. A Manipulative Extraterrestrial presence on Earth that has been described as operating through the “humanized face of the aliens”, is the logical conclusion for the motivations of elites to allow the spread of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.

The ongoing lobbying for so-called “UFO disclosure” that would somehow confirm an Extraterrestrial presence on Earth, is, therefore, irrelevant. We, as humans, do not need any so-called UFO disclosure to prove through inductive logic and critical observation, that the only interests that would be prevailing over the Fukushima crisis would be consistent with the very regressive aliens that ancient Pagan Gnostic described.

Pagan Gnostics in pre-translated forms of the Bible, presented warnings about “the archons” which were apparently edited out by the same elite interests that seek to conceal broad based human knowledge on Extraterrestrials:

Ephesians 6:12 in the King James Version of the Bible, used as a basis for more modern translations stipulates “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” In sharp contrast a direct uncensored translation from Greek according to Biblical scholars indicates the following: “For our struggle is not against [human beings], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual [dark forces] of wickedness in outer space.” – Ephesians 6:12 [the uncensored citation] LINK

According to Dr. Michael Salla's typology of reported Extraterrestrials, through the instruments of terrorism, war, extremist ideology, religious doctrine, and other tactics such as eugenics, Manipulative Extraterrestrials (and human elites which together constitute "the Controllers") seek to oppress humanity. Pagan Gnostics suggest that elites would only likely choose to disclose Extraterrestrial reality in the aftermath of some kind of engineered global catastrophe. Extraterrestrial researchers like Dr. Salla and alien abductees suggest that would be done in a scenario in which the same Manipulative Extraterrestrials that have sought to oppress humanity "behind-the-scenes" can then be presented as "humanity's only hope" to save "humanity from itself".


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