UFO reports increase across America

Reports of UFOs rose dramatically across the country over the past six weeks - although Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) International Director Clifford Clift says more data is needed over the next two months before any conclusion can be drawn.

The rise in MUFON reports - for some states - appears to have begun sometime in July 2011 and continued throughout August 2011 - and many states saw their average monthly report numbers double or triple (or more) in August.

Reached at his office today in Colorado, Clift is considering the idea that MUFON's recent international symposium and other media reports of UFO activity may have triggered a better awareness of MUFON in the general population - causing the number of reports to swell.

The following are example state monthly statistics. The first number shows the average number of UFO reports in that state for January 1, 2011, through July 31, 2011. The second number is the actual number of UFO reports from that state for August 2011. The percentage is the increase between the state's average seven-month number, and the August number. This data is followed by the total number of reports for the first 12 days in September; and finally, if that state remains at the same rate, a predictor number for total September reports:

California, 50.85 (7-month average), 127 August reports, (249.75 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 40. Predicting: 100 September cases.

Colorado, 9.85 (7-month average), 29 August reports, (194.41 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 9. Predicting: 22 September cases.

Connecticut, 3.28 (7-month average), 38 August reports, (1058.53 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 2. Predicting: 5 September cases.

Florida, 20.71 (7-month average), 69 August reports, (233.17 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 11. Predicting 27 September cases.

Kentucky, 8.71 (7-month average), 22 August reports, (152.58 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 4. Predicting 10 September cases.

Michigan, 16 (7-month average), 44 August reports, (175 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 20. Predicting 50 September cases.

Missouri, 10 (7-month average), 39 August reports, (290 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 11. Predicting 27 September cases.

New York, 11.71 (7-month average), 46 August reports, (292.82 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 20. Predicting 50 September cases.

North Carolina, 7.57 (7-month average), 19 August reports, (150.99 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 7. Predicting 17 September cases.

Ohio, 11.28 (7-month average), 38 August reports, (236.87 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 10. Predicting 25 September cases.

Pennsylvania, 19 (7-month average), 62 August reports (226.31 percent increase). Cases through September 12 is 17. Predicting 42 September reports.

Texas, 28.57 (7-month average), 59 August reports (106.51 percent). Cases through September 12 is 26. Predicting 65 September cases.

Almost all states were affected in the recent report increase - even Wyoming with a mere four UFO reports between January 1, and July 31, 2011, had five reports in August. It could be that MUFON experienced a brief - possibly six-week reports increase - and things are settling down - well, for most states at least.


DISCLAIMER: David Icke and Alex Jones discuss in the above video, that many UFOs are virtual reality “augmented holograms” created by a consortium of elites and Manipulative Extraterrestrials for psychological warfare against humanity. Such “augmented holograms” are Computer Generated Images (CGI) which are three dimensional in nature. Apparently the architects of such holograms are designed to then “tap into the minds” of humans, like some kind of interactive video game.

Mr. Icke’s links many UFO sightings to an elite orchestrated “problem-reaction-solution” model. Dr. Michael Salla links this context to a Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex (MIEC) that seeks to “unify” the world on lies and fear, as a further extension of the “War against Terrorism“..

What is the apparent goal of the MIEC presented by Dr. Salla? David Icke suggests the goal is to support the necessity of an upfront “World Government” that is a de facto Military Dictatorship. Such a “New World Order” would, however, be backed by the same regressive aliens and elites that would have been responsible for the staged alien invasion.

As Alex Jones and David Icke point out, the Orwellian orchestrators of the War on Terror, rely on constructed terrorists as the “Enemies of the People”. Such an orchestration supports the military designs of elites. Mr. Jones and Mr. Icke suggests that many UFO sightings today are part of the early phase of the attempt to orchestrate Extraterrestrial versions of “Osama Bin Laden”.

Elites will point to the need to give all money into further expanded military programs to “save humanity” from Hollywood-like “UFO entities” that happen to be the very creations of the human operatives of the Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

The ancient Pagan Gnostics described by Dr. John Lash, suggest that the very Manipulative Extraterrestrials described by David Icke, (and other modern investigative researchers) are inter-dimensional “mind parasites”. Indeed, Manipulative Extraterrestrials have been often witnessed without any accompanying UFO sighting. Please see UFOinfo.com for examples of Extraterrestrial sightings.

Pagan Gnostics insight also suggest that UFOs are often used by Manipulative Extraterrestrials to project a “supernatural image”. That presents a simulated technological image of “advancement” which then diverts human attention from the mind-oriented inter-dimensional nature of a threat against human sovereignty, as identified by ancient Pagan Gnostics, indigenous elders, David Icke, and other investigative researchers.

Internet site reference: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-national/ufos-reports-increase-most-states-saw-august-boom


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