Fukushima and Global problems: Manipulative Extraterrestrials and not America to blame suggests Icke

America today has been blamed for many problems. These include starting needless wars; executing human rights oppression; and also presiding over a variety of other atrocities. In the process, America has been called by some in the Arab world as “the Great Satan” among other things. However, if you have ever travelled to the United States, you might find that many Americans also share similar frustrations felt by other peoples internationally.

The overwhelming majority of Americans support the affirmation of human rights internationally; they would like America to respect international law, and would rather have their hard earned tax dollars spent on social services and healthcare than trillions on needless wars and armaments.

Americans every two or four years keep getting presented with alternative leaders who offer to break this cycle of madness. However, in the process, Americans seem to be continually conned by charlatans who present empty promises of “hope”.

Meanwhile, things in America, only seem to get worst, as America around the world becomes the target of more and more anger and frustration. But, what is a frustrated law abiding and peace-seeking American to do?

In the apparent view of David Icke, and scholars like Dr. Michael Salla, America has become the “fall guy” for Manipulative Extraterrestrials. In Dr. Salla’s typology of Extraterrestrials, he presents a long list of problems in the world which include a system of human rights abuses, which have often been attributed to an American source. But, according to David Icke and Dr. Salla, the source of these problems are Manipulative Extraterrestrials which have basically made Americans look bad.

Dr. Salla writes in his ‘Typology of Extraterrestrials‘: “The extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races [Manipulative ETs] and the ‘shadow government’ in the US and elsewhere suggests the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests.”

Dr. Salla links Manipulative Extraterrestrials and their operatives specifically to areas which include inculcating historical amnesia about our identity as human beings; genetically modified humans; humans monitored with implants; mind programmed ‘abductees‘, compromising of political elites; human rights abuses; elite corruption and domination; control of the media and corporations; divisive religious dogma and accompanying fundamentalism; cultures of violence; concentrated global wealth & poverty; ethnic/religious violence, drug trade and organized crime; and a patriarchal global culture which has in turn sought to pursue genocide against non-patriarchical aboriginal institutions.

It was Fukushima which arguably affirms a Non-Terrestrial context for systemic global problems on Earth, unless you assume that the elites who prevail over the crisis are too stupid and clued-out to know that that spread of Fukushima’s radiation is dangerous to humans. The elite reaction to Fukushima is consistent with Dr. Salla and David Icke’s insights that Earth’s politics is being substantively effected by Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

Gene Roddenberry seemed to provide insights on this issue in notes that were used to bring together the science fiction TV show ‘Earth the Final Conflict’. The late Gene Roddenberry arguably, may have sought to use Earth the Final Conflict as a counterpoise to his much more optimistic Star Trek science fiction TV series that first aired in the late 1960’s.

In the Canadian science fiction TV series, Earth the Final Conflict, aliens referred to as Taelons or “Companions” offer technology in exchange for taking refuge on planet Earth. However, they do have a hidden agenda: to bioengineer the human race to help fight their mortal enemy, the Jaridians (who are of Taelon origin). In doing so, they have no problem violating human civil liberties to reach their goals. Awareness of the Taelons who “back” Earth governments, spawns a resistance movement among humans that seeks to liberate humans from regressive alien control.

Gene Roddenberry seems to have also suggested that an Extraterrestrial resistance movement would accompany any disclosure of a regressive alien presence on Earth.


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