Missouri witness reports Triangle UFO with many lights

An Independence, MO, witness reports a "gigantic mass of lights" 500 feet overhead with "yellow-orange lights at each corner that pulsated; and blue and white lights just inside the perimeter," according to October 11, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving home at the time.

"I backed up and turned down that street and drove toward it," the witness stated. "It just sat there. This gigantic mass of lights. As I got closer, I could see that it was a triangle-shaped craft of some kind. It was only about 500 feet above the building, just hovering."

The witness described the object.

"It was black, but it looked like it was made out of mercury. I could see the whole underside of the craft as I drove slowly toward it. It had yellow-orange lights at each corner that pulsated and blue and white lights just inside the perimeter. They were very bright and they cast a bright light on everything below, but they didn't glare like our normal lights do. The light seemed to be a part of the surface."

Then the object moved away.

"Just as I got in front of the clubhouse, it rotated and took off. It flew across the street and up over the trees toward my house in a straight line."

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Internet site reference: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-national/missouri-triangle-ufo-was-gigantic-mass-of-lights-500-feet-overhead


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