Moon contains atmosphere and vegetation says contactee

Alex Collier, a self-described Ethical Extraterrestrial contactee suggests that the part of the Moon not visible to Earth is therefore with vegetation. Mr. Collier also indicates that the Moon contains water and an atmosphere.

“Our Moon has an atmosphere that in many respects similar to that of the Earth. In many large craters on the visible and the invisible hand, the atmosphere is denser than sea level on Earth, it is claimed. Our Moon has a small exit to the North Pole and the crust is thinner in some places. It is only 33 miles thick in places and other 53 kilometre”.

Mr. Collier also describes “huge underground facilities [that] contain large lakes, plant life of Earth, food warehouses and hangars for space ships with alien written texts on the walls in the portals.”

Ingo Swann also supports Mr. Collier’s allegations. In his book, Penetration, Swann claims that he viewed various structures on the surface and observed extraterrestrials near them who were able to breath unaided, thereby suggesting an atmosphere on the moon.

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There are 1 comments on this post

i agree. i remember when i first started doing real heavy meditations back in the 90s ,and earlier. The moon is a satellite, which many people feel like it is know. has its own power system to move it or lock it into any orbit they who control is desires . It is also for so many thousands of years self supporting on the inside of it to the different kinds of beings who lay claim to the different parts of the moon.
we have other such ones inside of our solar system. Phobos which a lot of people are starting to know about, Mars. around Jupiter .Saturn Uranus Pluto and did i forget the asteroid belt right past mars. has numerous satellites disguised . their is also satellites though they look like wayward asteroids past Pluto. the ones who are minding their own business verses ones scheming against this blue planet verses beings in our system who have our best interests in mind always who by the way are a smaller percentage but for the most part stronger and much better spiritually adjusted.

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