Retired U.S. Police Officer reports Extraterrestrial encounter

A retired Missouri police officer reports that a 4-foot-tall humanoid creature was in his backyard while a 50-foot-wide dull, black triangle-shaped object hovered above at 3:15 a.m. on April 5, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness cannot account for about 90 minutes of time during the incident.

The witnesses' German Shepard began barking at 3:15 a.m., which caused him to get out of bed and investigate.

"As I walked through the kitchen I stopped," the witness stated. "I could see a whitish/bluish bright light coming in the window in the door and the back windows. I had never seen any lights like this and thought it must be a helicopter looking for someone. I did not hear any sound, though, and thought that was odd."

The witness then went back to the bedroom to retreive a gun before continuing. But as he opened the back door, the light "blinked out."

"I looked around the yard and looked up where the light was, and saw a very dark, dull, black triangle shape above me. It had no lights on at that point. The object appeared to measure the width of my yard (50 ft.) just floated there, unmoving."

When the witness heard a noise at the back fence, he went back into the kitchen to get a flash light. From the kitchen, he heard a sound in the hallway behind him.

"It sounded like an animal of some sort (two clicks), so I shined the flashlight there for a few seconds but saw nothing."

The witness then went back outside.

"I then went back out to the back porch and shined the flashlight in the direction of the noise I heard outside and saw a very strange, short (approximaty 4' tall), gray, humanoid looking creature with big eyes standing there looking at me for just a second or two."

But the creature disappeared.

"It just dissapeared - it did not run. Then I looked up and the craft was also gone - I did not see it leave. I stood there, frozen in fear. My dog would not come outside, which is not normal behavior. I am hard to scare after 30 years on the police force. I have FBI training as well and I thought I'd seen everything, but this was not normal at all! "

The witness later realized that he experienced about 90 minutes of missing time. 

"I then locked the entire house up and went to the bedroom, not thinking about the noise I heard in the house before until this morning. My wife was sound asleep and I did not wake her, and I did not tell her about what happened. I thought I was gone only 10 -15 minutes but my clock said 4:46 AM. I don't know what happened to the time! Now this morning I have a red sunburn on my face, neck, and arms like I stayed in the sun way too long. I told my wife that I saw a light outside and went to investigate because she is worried about the sunburn."

No images or videos were submitted with the MUFON report, which was filed on April 5, 2011. No town name was mentioned in the report.

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