Extraterrestrial War on the 1930’s reveals Mayan Calendar 2012: Rebirth, Non-Event or End of Times?

Happy New Year!

There has been much controversy over what the Year 2012 holds. Many people claim that the Year 2012 is somehow linked to an ‘End of Times Scenario’. This group is very diverse. It includes religious fanatics, scholars, and independent researchers. But, there are also many people who claim the exact opposite for 2012.

This other group claims that the Mayans really sought 2012 to signify some kind of positive spiritual awakening for humankind. It might therefore be safe to conclude though that most people would probably regard 2012 as “another year”. Is it possible that as humans, we can put the Year 2012 into some kind of rational context in relation to such disparate “schools of thought”?

Perhaps. Firstly, let us consider “the messenger”. The Mayans were among the most barbaric empires ever to be on Earth. Their practices were so barbaric, that they even shocked the invading Spaniards. The Mayans practiced human sacrifice rituals. These rituals involved taking out the heart of alive human victims. Does that sound like the kind of society that would have been interested in promoting New Age “spiritual awakening”?

It is apparent that anyone who claims that the Mayans intended the Year 2012 to signify a “great spiritual awakening” has either been deceived, or is some kind of disinformation operative who seeks to spread deception.

Maybe we, as humans, should then just treat 2012 as “just another year”.. one minute, day, week, and so on, at a time. Maybe, the Mayans meant nothing of relevance. Therefore, maybe we should just ignore the Mayan Calendar altogether?

Well, if you think that, let me ask you the following. Suppose, you were a law enforcement officer or detective, and sought to arrest a criminal psychopath, like a Clifford Olson or a Charles Manson. But, in the process of your investigation, you stumbled on a calendar in which they circled one date, and blotted out all days afterwards. Would you simply shrug your shoulders and not at least seek to figure out why that date might have been circled? Would you think that a criminal psychopath would have circled that date to proclaim a new spiritual awakening? Probably not, eh.

One Mexican President apparently shared his own insights on matters pertinent. Subversiveelement.com documents that then president of Mexico in the 1980s, Miguel DeLa Madrid told Cathy O'Brien about the legend of the Iguana and explained that lizard-like extraterrestrials had descended upon the Mayans in Mexico. He apparently elaborated to Ms. O’Brien:

The Mayan pyramids, their advanced astronomical technology and the sacrifice of virgins, was inspired by lizard-like aliens… and these reptilians interbred with the Mayans to produce a form of life they could inhabit.

De La Madrid told Cathy that these reptile-human bloodlines could, fluctuate between a human and iguana appearance through chameleon-like abilities - "a perfect vehicle for transforming into world leaders", he said. De la Madrid claimed to have Mayan-lizard ancestry in his blood which allowed him to transform back to an iguana at will.

Apparently, he then changed before her eyes, as a U.S. President had, and appeared to have a lizard-like tongue and eyes.

What is this “shape shifting you might ask:

This theme of being like a chameleon is merely another term for 'shape-shifting', a theme you find throughout the ancient world and among open minded people, in the modern one too. Shapeshifting is the ability to use your mind to project another physical image for people to see. Everything is energy vibrating, at different speeds, so if you use your mind to re-vibrate that energy to a different resonance, you can appear in any form you choose… This is the main reason for the obsession with interbreeding among the Elite bloodline families. They are seeking to maintain a genetic structure which allows them to move between dimensions and shape-shift between a human and reptilian appearance. Once the genetic structure falls too far from it's reptilian origin, they can't shapeshift in this way.

Investigative research based on insights by David Icke and others suggests that the Mayans were infiltrated by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. These Manipulative Extraterrestrials had travelled back in time from a Nazi stargate technology created in the 1930’s. This representation is based upon the insights of Alex Collier. He is a self-described Ethical Extraterrestrial contactee. Alien-Nazi allies apparently introduced barbarism into our human time line. The 1930’s that is documented in our popular history is a product of apparent Alien-Nazi alternations, and 2012 appears have an Alien-Nazi signification.

Lower-dimensional time travelling Extraterrestrials which possess the ability to “shape shift” into human vessels, apparently used that ability to infiltrate Mayan governance. The Mayans were apparently transformed from a sophisticated and peaceful civilization into practitioners of human sacrifice. Alex Collier and others link the on-going reporting of abductions to the continuing practice of human sacrifice by the same alien interests which apparently presided over the “alienization” of the Mayan society.

Subversiveelement.com further suggests that the shape shifting regressive aliens who travelled back in time, not only took control of the Mayans, but also sought to apparently have a presence in prevailing governments. It may therefore may be reasonable to conclude that the Year 2012 is part of a calculated trans-temporal Nazi-alien agenda against humans. This is apparently revealed in a culture of alien-human hybrids which practice human ritual sacrifice.

As critically thinking humans, we need to seek to avoid “buying into” “End of Times” dogma associated with organized religion. But, if alien criminal interests are using religion to execute a script, it is vital that we appreciate that alien script as much as possible, if we, as humans, seek to avoid the fulfilling that “End of Times” script context.

As humans, we may not have the luxury to completely ignore the possibility that elites, as the operatives of alien interests, are seeking to pursue the fulfillment of a Mayan End of Times Scenario. The War on Terror and Fukushima may simply be a build up to that agenda. David Icke has sought to implore that, as humans, we need to ‘wake up” and free ourselves from an alien-imposed “sleep walk” into a scripted agenda which seeks to fulfill a regressive alien-imposed timetable, which appears to include a planned World War III and an oppressive ‘New World Order’.

Backgrounder articles:Extraterrestrial War of the 1930's turned Earth into Colony


Extraterrestrial War of 1930’s linked to Adam and Eve ruling hybrids


Part I -- Extraterrestrial War of 1930’s linked to Adam and Eve clone intermediaries


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