Fukushima to World War III: Extraterrestrial War of the 1930’s reveals -- Alien archons must leave Earth, Avoid 2012 agenda

Firstly, my fellow Canadians and other human beings. Let me state the following. If you find a “shopping list” from a psychopath, who has committed numbers 1 through 9 criminal acts, and believe that expecting the psychopath to commit the 10th item on the list is a wild “conspiracy theory”; then this article is not for you. Are you passionately committed to social change, but in the final analysis think that the work toward that change should be left to “leaders”, to “God“; or prefer to wish for a superhero to “save you” from the destruction you see? If so, then this article is also not for you. As humans, it is vital that we collectively begin to take responsibility today, for the future to which we aspire for tomorrow.

Leaving things to “hope” is arguably for the comfort of fools.

Jonathan Fleck has created the above video. In that video, it shows that Miami is the only point of an apparent Pentagram which has not been “fulfilled” in a “Pentagram of Disasters” in the U.S. His video appears to decode a nuclear attack on Miami using an underwater device that will mark the official beginning of World War III chaos. Jesse Ventura also has uncovered an apparent frenetic underground building effort. Eyewitness told Mr. Ventura in the video below, that these facilities are to shelter the elites from a foreseen catastrophe, will everyone else either perishes or suffers on the surface of our planet Earth.

It is furthermore apparent that the Pentagram is being executed to emulate the alien system of commands described by Pagan Gnostic insights. For example, it is easy to do an internet search on the comparisons of 9/11 -- which is as the top of the Mayan Pentagram -- to the words and sentiments expressed in 9:11 in the Bible. Jesse Ventura’s research appears to coincide with 6:15 in the Bible’s Book of Revelation.

And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.

Could we therefore expect the closing of the Pentagram on June 15, 2012 or 6/15/2012 to coincide with a 9:/11 alien Bible Code?

Alex Collier is a self-described contactee of Ethical Extraterrestroa;ls who had provided insights insights on a Nazi alien alliance which sought to change Earth’s past in order to control the future course of humanity.

Based upon Mr. Collier’s insights, low dimensional alien archons would need to leave Earth, in order to avoid the closing of the Mayan Pentagram, and for humans to be able to acquire the sovereignty to heal our planet Earth from a parasitic archon agenda. Mr. Collier elaborates that a described Council of Ethical Extraterrestrials including ’cosmic humans’ have sought to encourage to archons t leave. Mr. Collier’s representations of matters pertinent was encapsulated in the following:

The very first meeting the Andromedan council had was to decide whether or not to directly intervene with what was going on here. According to Moraney, there were only 78 systems that met this first time. Of those 78, just short of half decided that they wanted nothing to do with us at all, regardless of the problems. I think it is really important that you know why they wanted nothing to do with us. We are talking about star systems that are hundreds of millions of light years away from us. Even some who have never met us. They just knew the vibration of the planet reflected those on it. The reasons why they wanted nothing to do with us is that from their perspective, Earth humans don't respect themselves, each other or the planet. What possibly can be the value of Earth humans?

Fortunately, the majority of the council gave the opinion that because Earth has been manipulated for over 5,700 years, that we deserved an opportunity to prove ourselves - to at least have a shot at proving the other part of the council wrong. So, the Andromedan council passed a directive that all extraterrestrial presence will be off our planet no later than August 12, 2003.

They want everything extraterrestrial on the planet, in the planet and Earth's moon out of here by that date. The reason for this is that they want to see how we will act when we are not being manipulated. We are all being manipulated, and my first suggestion is to throw your television set away. I can't tell you how sincere I am about that. They are teaching you what to think, not how to think. If you give that up, you become a robot. You become sheeple. I know it's going to be tough.

This determination that ET influence will end by August 12, 2003 will be interesting, because living inside our planet 100 to 200 miles under the surface are 1837 reptilians who have been here a very long time, 17 humans from Sirius B, and 18000 Grey clones inside the Earth and on the moon. Most of the 2000 original Greys are on
Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, which is an artificial satellite.

There are also around 141 Orion beings inside the Earth from 9 different races. There are a lot of "bad boys" here who have technology thousands of years ahead of us. It is estimated that Grey technology is 2,500 years ahead of us. The Orion group who control the Greys have technology approximately 3,700 years ahead of us. Nobody really knows how far the Draconians are, because they are incredibly elusive. The group from Sirius B are approximately 932 years ahead of us.

Occupy Wall Street has been just one of many protests against elite driven exploitation and parasitism. However, based upon ancient Pagan Gnostic insights, it is totally useless to protest against them or seek to use any physical force against them. That is because the archons and their reported cloned entities are of a “hive mind” controlled by the Demiurge. Archons have been apparently executing the Mayan Pentagram, Fukushima, based upon the artificial intelligence “command prompts” that the Bible and related organized religious outlined, as designed by the archons under the control of the Demiurge as a “winnable” God of the aliens. The archons are entities that are without empathy that do not listen, and cannot do anything other than that which is directed by the Demiurge’s alien program.

The Demiurge apparently admires humanity as a feminine “God energy” of Mother Earth, which the ancient Pagan Gnostics describe as “Sophia”, while also seeking to parasitize and destroy humanity. It is apparently for humans to demonstrate that they are a God energy which can discern the clues which the Demiurge provides to humans.

The Demiurge is apparently the male/patriarchical God that the archons seek to serve, and which presents a “counterfeit spirituality” to the God energy, which the archons view humans to be. That is a plausible explanation for the Demiurge giving so many clues that humans could be using to protect themselves from an archon agenda.

Those clues were also apparently presented in Denver International Airport which Jesse Ventura investigates in the video below. As humans, it may be vital that we consider the possibility that a Mayan Pentagram is about to be fully executed by lower dimensional entities presided over by an aspiring alien God entity, and based upon Mr. Collier’s insights that there is a vital need to affirm human sovereignty on Earth from an alien presence, as soon as possible.  If that were to happen, humanity might have a chance at finally redressing Fukushima, Global Warming/Climate Change, and systematized problems on the Earth, which Mr. Collier indicates have been undermined by the “forces that are holding humanity back” on Earth from humanity’s evolution.



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