Texas military couple follows UFO


A Texas couple driving near El Paso report watching a silent, bright light and following it after the object could not be identified, according to February 8, 2012, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"We were driving around town in the lower valley area," the reporting witness stated. "I looked up at the sky because I had seen a bright light, then I realized the aircraft was still there. I thought it was a helicopter so we drove closer to the residential area and lowered the windows to see if it made any sound. The craft was hovering silently eerily."

The object then seemed to be moving toward Las Cruces, NM.

"We decided to drive in the direction the craft was going. We noticed one other car who stopped to the side of the road to look at the object. We kept following it but it seemed to be moving fast. We were going around 40 mph. We followed it all through downtown El Paso. It seemed to be flying in between the border of El Paso and Juarez."

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Internet site reference: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-national/texas-couple-follows-ufo-as-it-moves-over-el-paso-area


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