UFOs: Archons delete Extraterrestrial evidence over Buffalo


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A witness in Buffalo took a video standing outside using his iPad 2. It took a few seconds to focus but when it does you clearly see these three white orbs in the sky. Scott Waring who is a UFO researcher called the video: "Very eerie indeed".

Mr. Waring indicates that it was "Fast thinking on his part to grab his iPad since it has a convenient camera.", and andded that: "Smart devices are going to expose the truth in a few years.

It appears that since that video was published today, apparent archons deleted the evidence.  However, Mr. Waring published on his website the following photos.

The ancient Pagan Gnostics warned that the archons are artificial life forms, and tend to "appear in Threes" (reference: metahistory.org) and are an apparent part of an alien agenda associated with 2012.  Archons are in turn an extension of the 'Demiurge' which Dr. John Lash also described from Pagan Gnostic accounts cited on metahistory.org. 

Internet site reference: http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com


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