Iran, and fears of World War III: Some Aliens are not Extraterrestrials



If we, as humans, are to avoid our apparent planetary drift into a World War III scenario which may pivot on Iran, based upon ancient Pagan Gnostic insights, it is vital we appreciate the apparent archon role in this scenario.

When appreciating the archons, it becomes further apparent that some aliens are not Extraterrestrial. That is to say, some aliens do not reside from “other worlds”. Such aliens reside on Earth.

Some of the reported aliens on Earth are ethical and benevolent. These apparently include whales and dolphins.

Various indigenous traditions and Alex Collier, suggests that whales and dolphins are guardians of Earth who have come to Earth as healers and teachers.

Dolphins and Whales are also apparently through their complex language systems, also facilitative communicators as Transdimensional ambassadors, with higher dimensional ethical Extraterrestrial consciousnesses.

Alex Collier is a self-described contactee of an Ethical Extraterrestrial race.

Unfortunately, it appears that humans through their enforced state of ignorance, are allowing lower dimensional regressive aliens to assimilate humanity. As humans, we are apparently allowing such archons to deviate ourselves, as humans, from our co-guardianship of Earth.

As humans, we could be viewed to be “babysitters” who are abdicating our collective social responsibilities to each other and to Mother Earth, in favour of being negatively seduced by an equivalent to a heavy narcotic drug dealer who has gone door-to-door looking new clients.

In the similar way that such drug dealers could be viewed to be parasitizing their client’s predisposition to seeking drug escapism, archons are aliens that are also seeking new clients to exploit.

Archons are all over Earth, but in a different time-space dimension.

The ancient Pagan Gnostics suggest that archons can become a threat to us as humans, only if we, as humans, allow them to become one.

As human babies are procreated from acts of love, archons are procreated into our reality from negative energies which are the exact opposite of love.

Archons are artificial life forms which become “animated” in our dimensional reality from our negative thought energy coming into contact with the dimensional boundaries of their lower dimensional reality.

Archons don’t require UFOs based upon ancient Pagan Gnostic insights and the eyewitnesses who have encountered these archons. Archons simply require negative energy bubbles in our reality for them to appear.

Jacques Vallee who argued that the ET/UFO phenomenon is a psychologically embedded "spiritual control system" that conditions the human mind as if it were an external influence. Vallee called ETs "messengers of deception," a close parallel to the Gnostic characterization, "messengers of error" (NHC VII, 2).

Vallee’s insights suggest that many UFOs are proposed from archons tapping into the human mental capacity for imagination, and are then using that imagination.

Archons apparently project many UFOs for two apparent purposes. One purpose it to illicit “fear” or “awe” among humans. The archons feed off of the fear, and the adulation of being perceived to be supernatural beings that are “superior” life forms to humans.

Vallee’s insights also suggests that UFO create the perception of other-worldly travellers, when in fact, archons do not need UFOs to travel. Archons rely on the human mind, and exploit the energy that is spawned from negative human energies.

Archons can replicate human vessels in a sophisticated manner that a computerized digital copier machine which is also the product of artificial intelligence, can photo copy your originals.

Archons apparently “shape shift” based upon David Icke’s and African Zulu Elder Credo Mutwa’s insights. However, the human appearance that some archons take, cannot be permanently maintained, in a similar manner that humans cannot permanently swim around in diving gear under water.

The archon replication of human vessels is an manufacturing process.

Indeed, archons apparently use human vessels in the similar way that humans use diving gear to travel to the depths of the ocean.

Through human vessels the archons can then seek to infiltrate our elite-driven human institutions, and create a dysfunctional Hello on Earth which will enable the archons to operate on Earth’s surface, without needing to use their “human vessels”.

As humans, every time, we produce negative energies, we produce “loosh energy” to which the archons can use to procreate themselves.

As Shirley Shriner explains:

There are several kinds of this loosh energy that they [archons] can develop to feed off of. It is almost like vampirism. Except instead of drinking blood to survive they somehow soak in and capture this energy to survive and it determines how successful they become and how far they can move up in rank, status, wealth, fame, fortune and power either in this life or the lie they believe about their next one.

Aliens or fallen angels refer to this energy as loosh.

To obtain loosh people must be deceived, used, abused, manipulated, and even killed in order to become this energy source which is a food source for Luciferians [archons] who feed off of other peoples emotions. It can come from deception or terror and horror or any number of ways.

When we, as humans, support the spawning of negative energies produced from human rights oppressions, social injustices, and perpetuated wars, we are making it more possible for the archons to survive and to thrive on Earth, as it descends into the Hell Dimension of the archons.

In the process, we, as humans are destroying our vital link with the higher dimensional consciousnesses of whales and dolphins who are on Earth as healers and “teachers”.

Avoiding World War III therefore requires that we, as humans should elevate our consciousness and become aware of the parasitism against the individual and the collective human consciousness that is being executed by the archons. If we, as humans, do not expeditiously raise our individual and collective consciousness, we, as humans will continue along a path toward alien agenda that is associated with World War III.


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