UFO: Frightened Iowa witness reports small Oval object

An Iowa witness crossing a street reports watching "a silent, black oval-egg-shaped object with lights at the front and back and with many lighted windows," according to February 28, 2012, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The case is being investigated by MUFON Iowa Field Investigator Beverly Trout.

The witness reports that the object was first observed about two-tenths of a mile away from a stop light.

"Object did a right-angle turn and came to within 350 feet away from her," Trout explains. "She was so frightened she looked down when it got close, and so did not watch it depart, or disappear."

Trout offers other descriptions of the object by the witness.

"She describes object as less than width of the four-lanes, plus a turn lane street where she was standing, so possibly it was 40-50 feet in size. Object was low; witness thinks not much above treetop level."

Internet site reference: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-national/oval-egg-object-gets-close-to-iowa-witness


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